Creating a 12cR1 database on Oracle Linux 6

In the two previous posts, i have shown how to create a Oracle Linux 6 virtual box image and then how to install a Oracle 12c Release 1 rdbms Home on the virtual box image. In this installment of the blog post, i’ll outline the steps to create a Oracle 12c Release 1, Multi Tenant database on this VirtualBox image.

In the following steps, i’ll be using dbca (Database creation assistant) to create a container database (CDB) with one pluggable database (PDB).

The following steps assume that

  • You have successfully installed Oracle Linux 6
  • You have Installed the 12cR1 rdbms binaries
  • You are still setup to redirect your DISPLAY to your desktop.

Create  a Listener

Login as oracle to your virtual host (Redirect your display to your desktop)

Invoke the executable “netca” (Network configuration assistant) from the linux command line. You will see the screen shown above. Click Next

Choose “Add” in the screen above, Click Next.

Choose the default name “LISTENER” for the listener Name, Click Next.

Choose the default, TCP protocol, Click Next.

Choose the default standard port 1521, Click Next.

Choose “No” for configuring another listener, Click Next.

The netca assistant will complete the Listener Configuration and will prompt you to Exit.

Create a New Database

Prior to Oracle 12c all databases were Non-CDB databases (ie a database that is Not a Multi Tenant Container Database). Starting with 12c you can create databases as Non-CDB databases or CDB (MultiTenant Container) databases.

In the following steps i’ll be using dbca (Database Configuration assistant)  to create a CDB with one PDB in it (Pluggable database).

Login as oracle to the Oracle 6 Linux, virtual box image, and invoke dbca from the o/s prompt, you will see the banner first and then the screen below.

Choose “Create Database” and Click Next.

Choose “Advanced Mode” and Click Next.

Choose “General Purpose Or Transaction Processing” and Click Next.

Provide your chosen “Global Database Name”, SID Name, Check the box against “Create As Container Database”, Choose the Radio Button “Create a Container Database with one or More PDB’s” , Provide a “PDB Name” and Click Next.

Check the Box to Configure “Em Express”, Click Next.

Enter the Credentials for the Administrative Users, Click Next.

Choose the default Listener “LISTENER” and Click Next.

Choose “Use Common Location for all database files”, Provide the location of the datafiles (I provided “/u02/oradata”)  and Uncheck “Specify Fast Recovery Area” (This being a test database, i am not setting it up to be in archivelog mode). Click Next.

Choose to install “Sample Schema’s”, Click Next.

Choose to use “Automatic Memory Management”, Click on “Character Sets” and choose “AL32UTF8”, Click Next.

Check the boxes for “Create Database”, “Save as Database Template” (For future reuse), “Generate Database Creation Scripts”, Click Next.

In the screen above, Click “Finish” and the database installation will start.

If all goes well, the installation will complete, and dbca will prompt you to exit.

Congratulations !!! Now you have a brand new 12cr1 database. Now it is time to connect and start exploring the Ground Breaking Innovations in the Oracle 12c database.



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