Script to compare tkprof output files

I often use the oracle 10046 event tracing mechanism to capture sql’s from a session to identify why certain transactions are running slower in different env’s or at different points in time. Oracle does have a mechanism where you can save the trace information in database tables. One can use the INSERT parameter in tkprof to store the trace information into a database table. Once in the table you can write sql’s that compare multiple runs or multiple statements.

I wrote a python program that compares two different tkprof output files. The files are compared, and the following aspects of each of the sqlid’s in the tkprof output file,s are printed side by side. The output is sorted by the Difference in Elapsed Time, in Descending order.

  • Sql text
  • Plan Hash Value
  • Total Elapsed time
  • Total Logical Reads
  • Total Rows processed
  • Difference in Elapsed Time
  • Difference in Number of Rows processed
  • Difference in Logical reads.

Other columns can be added to this, if you desire.
I use this script output as a quick way to see which sql’s are running slower and are probably candidates for further analysis/tuning.

The sqlid’s from the file provided as the first argument to the script (referred to as the left file) are compared to the same sqlid’s in the file provided as the second argument to the script (referred to as the right file). The following columns are displayed.

sqlid                           sqlid being compared
text                             First 20 chars of the sql text
lplan                           Plan hash value from the left file
rplan                          Plan hash value from the right file
lela                             Total Elapsed time from the left file
rela                            Total Elapsed time from the right file
llreads                       Total Logical reads (query+current) from the left file
rlreads                      Total Logical reads (query+current) from the right file
lrows                         Total rows processed from the left file
rrows                        Total rows processed from the right file
eladiff                        Lela – Rela
rowsdiff                    Lrows – Rrows
lreadsdiff                  Llreads – rlreads

Here is a sample syntax for running the script. (You need the python pandas package to be installed for this to execute successfully)

python ./ /u01/tkprofout/Newplans.prf /u01/tkprofout/Stage.prf

Here is a sample output


Click on the image to view a larger version.

The full script is below

#Python script to list differences between sql executions in two tkprof output files
#useful if comparing tkprof from prod and dev for example
#Author : rajeev.ramdas

import sys
import os
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame

# Define a class to hold the counters for each sqlid
class sqliddet:
     def init(self):

# Define 2 empty dictionaries to store info about each input file

# Process each file and add one row per sqlid to the dictionary
# We want to add the row to the dictionary only after the SQLID row and the total row has been read
# So the firstsqlid flag is used to make sure that we do not insert before total is read for the first row.

def processfile(p_file,p_sqliddict):

    while line:
        if line.startswith('SQL ID'):
            if firstsqlid==True:
        if linespastsqlid==2:
        if line.startswith('total'):
        if line.startswith('OVERALL'):

# Main portion of script
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
   print('Syntax : python ./ tkprof1.out tkprof2.out')

if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]) or not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[2]):
   print ("File Does not Exist")



# Match the sqlid's from the file on the left to the file on the right
# Gather up the statistics form both sides, insert into a list
# Transfer the list to a pandas dataframe, add some computed columns

for sqlid,stats in leftsqliddict.items():
    if sqlid in rightsqliddict:


print (difftk_df.sort(columns='eladiff',ascending=False))

Oracle Database In-Memory an introduction Part 2 – What do i need to do, to use the Oracle In-Memory Database ?

Step 1) Define the INMEMORY_SIZE

Customer has to setup the correct value for a database initialization parameter , INMEMORY_SIZE. This parameter specifies the amount of memory, from the SGA, that is to be used for the In-Memory column store. This is a static pool (ie Automatic memory management cannot extend or shrink this area), which means that you have to restart the database if any changes to this parameter needs to take effect. The In-Memory area is sub-divided into two pools: a 1MB pool used to store the actual column formatted data populated into memory, and a 64K pool used to store metadata about the objects that are populated into the IM column store.


sho parameter inmemory_size

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
inmemory_size			     big integer 500M

select pool,alloc_bytes,used_bytes,populate_status from v$inmemory_area;

-------------------------- ----------- ---------- --------------------------
1MB POOL		     418381824		0 DONE
64KB POOL		     100663296		0 DONE

Step 2) Mark the performance critical objects in your database, with the attribute INMEMORY

select partition_name,bytes/(1024),inmemory,inmemory_compression from dba_segments where
owner = 'SH' and segment_name = 'SALES'

------------------------------ ------------ -------- -----------------
SALES_Q1_1998			       8192 DISABLED


Table altered.

select partition_name,bytes/(1024),inmemory,inmemory_compression from dba_segments where
owner = 'SH' and segment_name = 'SALES'  2  ;

------------------------------ ------------ -------- -----------------
SALES_Q1_1998			       8192 ENABLED  FOR QUERY HIGH

Step 3) Populate the In-Memory datastore

Objects are populated into the In-Memory Datastore, in a prioritized list, immediately after the database is opened, or after they are scanned for the first time. There are 7 levels for the keyword PRIORITY (CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, NONE).

The IM column store is populated by a set of background processes referred to as worker processes (ora_w001_orcl). The database is fully active / accessible while this occurs.Each worker process is given a subset of database blocks from the object to populate into the IM column store. Population is a streaming mechanism, simultaneously columnizing and compressing the data. There is a new IMCO (In memory co-ordinator) background process which wakes up every 2 minutes and checks to see if there are any population tasks that need to be completed. Eg: A new object has been marked as InMemory with a PRIORITY other than None.

select v.owner,v.segment_name,v.partition_name,v.bytes orig_size,v.inmemory_size in_mem_size

---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- -----------
SH	   SALES      SALES_Q1_1998			8388608     1179648

select * from 
select /*+ full(sales) */ channel_id,count(*)
from sh.sales partition (sales_q1_1998)
group by channel_id
order by count(*) desc
where rownum < 6

---------- ----------
	 3	32796
	 2	 6602
	 4	 3926
	 9	  363

Elapsed: 00:00:00.09

select * from table (dbms_xplan.display_cursor());

SQL_ID	40pjk921r3jrc, child number 0
select * from ( select /*+ full(sales) */ channel_id,count(*) from
sh.sales partition (sales_q1_1998) group by channel_id order by
count(*) desc ) where rownum < 6

Plan hash value: 2962696457

| Id  | Operation			| Name	| Rows	| Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time	| Pstart| Pstop |

|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT		|	|	|	|    12 (100)|		|	|	|
|*  1 |  COUNT STOPKEY			|	|	|	|	     |		|	|	|
|   2 |   VIEW				|	|     4 |   104 |    12  (34)| 00:00:01 |	|	|
|*  3 |    SORT ORDER BY STOPKEY	|	|     4 |    12 |    12  (34)| 00:00:01 |	|	|
|   4 |     HASH GROUP BY		|	|     4 |    12 |    12  (34)| 00:00:01 |	|	|
|   5 |      PARTITION RANGE SINGLE	|	| 43687 |   127K|     9  (12)| 00:00:01 |     5 |     5 |
|   6 |       TABLE ACCESS INMEMORY FULL| SALES | 43687 |   127K|     9  (12)| 00:00:01 |     5 |     5 |

For much more in-depth technical details of the Oracle Database In-Memory, please see this whitepaper.

Oracle Database In-Memory an introduction Part 1 – What is Oracle Database In-Memory, and how is it different ?

On July 22nd 2014, Oracle corporation, announced Oracle Database 12c’s latest patch release This latest patch release includes the new Oracle Database In-Memory functionality.
The Oracle Database In-Memory enables a single database to efficiently support mixed workloads. It uses a “dual-format” architecture, that retains the Record-Setting OLTP performance of the oracle databases, while simultaneously supporting real-time analytics and reporting. This is achieved by retaining the traditional oracle memory architecture, but adding a new purely in-memory column format (Automatically created and maintained by oracle), optimized for analytical processing.

So now you have the data stored in the Oracle database in your database files, in a row format, and for any of the objects marked as INMEMORY, oracle creates an In-Memory column store, where the data resides in a column format.The IM column store does not replace the buffer cache, but acts as a supplement, so that data can now be stored in memory in both a row and a column format.

Ok why the dual format, one would ask ?

The Row format is retained as is, so that there is no compromise/degradation in the OLTP performance of the database. In a Row format database each row is made up of multiple columns, with each column representing an attribute about that record. A column format database stores each of the attributes about the transaction in a separate column structure. A column format is ideal for Analytics, but is not very efficient in processing DML requests like insert, update and deletes (Which operates on the whole row). Oracle Database In-Memory (Database In-Memory) provides the best of both worlds by allowing data to be simultaneously populated in both an in-memory row format (the buffer cache) and a new in-memory column format (The In-Memory Store).


The picture above shows the In-Memory area in the SGA


The above picture shows an example of the Column Store.

No changes are necessary to your existing applications in order to take advantage of the Oracle Database In-Memory option. Any query that will benefit from the In-Memory column store will be automatically directed there, by the Optimizer. The In-Memory store is kept transactionally consistent with the buffer cache. There are numerous optimizations that have been implemented that speed up this data access in the In-Memory store. All the database functionality that Oracle has built over the last 30 years, continues to work in this new version.

It is normal that folks would go out and compare, Oracle Databaes In-Memory, with other In Memory Database products available in the Market today. So let us explore the differences with some of those products next.


Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database is a,row oriented, memory optimized relational database, that resides entirely in the physical memory of a server. Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database operates on databases that fit entirely in physical memory using standard SQL interfaces. In contrast, the Oracle Database In-Memory, only stores selected objects, in memory, in a column format (As opposed to a row format in Oracle TimesTen), the remaining objects continue to exist on the storage subsystem.


SAP HANA is an in-memory, column-oriented relational database. So the entire database has to reside in physical memory of the server. As mentioned earlier in this article, OLTP transactions have some disadvantages while operating on column stores.

Todays databases can be in the 10’s or 100’s of TeraBytes. Storing this entire data in physical memory can be an expensive proposition, not to mention that, it is quite prevalent that ,only a small subset of this data, ends up having daily usage. This is where Oracle’s approach of storing only selected objects in memory, has significant benefits.

Here is a link to the Oracle Database In-Memory Launch.

OraChk Collection Manager

OraChk (Previously known as Raccheck) is a utility from oracle to perform configuration checks on Oracle database platforms, and report on configurations that do not match oracle’s best practices. OraChk has the ability to upload the results of its checks into an oracle database. Details about this utility can be found in Mos Note 1268927.1

Oracle has now released  OraChk Collection Manager which is a companion application to OraChk, which has an Oracle Application Express, Front End which can be used  as a dashboard, in which customers can track their ORAchk, RACcheck and Exachk collection data in one easy to use interface.

Details about downloading and using “OraChk Collection Manager” can be found in Mos Note 1602329.1

More about Oracle 12c identity columns

Oracle 12c has introduced the ability to define a column in a database table as a “Identity” Column. This results in the database automatically using a sequence to generate the values that get inserted into this column. The Oracle-Base blog has an article on how to use this functionality and some performance comparisons between this and trigger based methods.

Below is a bit more detail regarding this functionality.

As stated in the Oracle-Base article, oracle auto-creates a sequence and uses it to generate the values. There seems to be a new data dictionary view, USER_TAB_IDENTITY_COLS, which shows you which columns in the table are defined as the Datatype IDENTITY.

The query below can be used to, identify the sequence name, that oracle generated, for a given column, defined as an IDENTITY datatype.

SQL> set long 999999999
SQL> select data_default from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'T1'    
  2  and column_name = 'COL1';


-------------------- ------------ ----------
ISEQ$$_92434			1	  20

The sequence it uses, gets created with a default of 20 for the cache size. This will likely be unacceptable in Real Application Clusters environments. If you try to modify the cache size of the sequence after the creation you will get a ORA-32793 error “cannot alter a system-generated sequence”.

In such cases it would be wise to use the syntax below during table creation, and specify the CACHE_SIZE and other sequence parameters you would want to change.

SQL> create table t1 (col1 number generated as identity (start with 100 increment by 2 cache 1000), col2 varchar2(50));

Table created.

Once the table is re-created, you can check the cache size again to verify.

SQL> select sequence_name,cache_size from user_sequences;

-------------------- ----------
ISEQ$$_92436		   1000

Installing and Using the 12c instant client

Now that we have a 12cr1 database Up and running, it is time to connect to the database and start working. I prefer using the oracle instant client and sqlplus from my Ubuntu Linux desktop to connect to the 12cr1 database. Below are the steps to install, configure and use the 12cr1 instant client on a Ubuntu Linux 64 bit desktop and connect to the oracle 12cr1 database.

Download and Install Instant Client 12cr1

From the “Instant Client Downloads for Linux x86-64” page, download the highlighted zip files. This gets you the basic files needed for Sql*Net connection to the 12cr1 database and also the sqlplus executable.

Unzip the files to a directory on your desktop. (In my case i unzipped the files to the directory /u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_12_1).

Export the required environment variables

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_12_1
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_12_1

Invoke Sqlplus to connect to the CDB

sqlplus system/manager@

SQL> sho con_id

SQL> sho con_name


Invoke Sqlplus to connect to the PDB

sqlplus system/manager@

SQL> sho con_id

SQL> sho con_name


There are some very helpful tutorials in the Oracle Learning Library to get started with the new 12c database features.

Creating a 12cR1 database on Oracle Linux 6

In the two previous posts, i have shown how to create a Oracle Linux 6 virtual box image and then how to install a Oracle 12c Release 1 rdbms Home on the virtual box image. In this installment of the blog post, i’ll outline the steps to create a Oracle 12c Release 1, Multi Tenant database on this VirtualBox image.

In the following steps, i’ll be using dbca (Database creation assistant) to create a container database (CDB) with one pluggable database (PDB).

The following steps assume that

  • You have successfully installed Oracle Linux 6
  • You have Installed the 12cR1 rdbms binaries
  • You are still setup to redirect your DISPLAY to your desktop.

Create  a Listener

Login as oracle to your virtual host (Redirect your display to your desktop)

Invoke the executable “netca” (Network configuration assistant) from the linux command line. You will see the screen shown above. Click Next

Choose “Add” in the screen above, Click Next.

Choose the default name “LISTENER” for the listener Name, Click Next.

Choose the default, TCP protocol, Click Next.

Choose the default standard port 1521, Click Next.

Choose “No” for configuring another listener, Click Next.

The netca assistant will complete the Listener Configuration and will prompt you to Exit.

Create a New Database

Prior to Oracle 12c all databases were Non-CDB databases (ie a database that is Not a Multi Tenant Container Database). Starting with 12c you can create databases as Non-CDB databases or CDB (MultiTenant Container) databases.

In the following steps i’ll be using dbca (Database Configuration assistant)  to create a CDB with one PDB in it (Pluggable database).

Login as oracle to the Oracle 6 Linux, virtual box image, and invoke dbca from the o/s prompt, you will see the banner first and then the screen below.

Choose “Create Database” and Click Next.

Choose “Advanced Mode” and Click Next.

Choose “General Purpose Or Transaction Processing” and Click Next.

Provide your chosen “Global Database Name”, SID Name, Check the box against “Create As Container Database”, Choose the Radio Button “Create a Container Database with one or More PDB’s” , Provide a “PDB Name” and Click Next.

Check the Box to Configure “Em Express”, Click Next.

Enter the Credentials for the Administrative Users, Click Next.

Choose the default Listener “LISTENER” and Click Next.

Choose “Use Common Location for all database files”, Provide the location of the datafiles (I provided “/u02/oradata”)  and Uncheck “Specify Fast Recovery Area” (This being a test database, i am not setting it up to be in archivelog mode). Click Next.

Choose to install “Sample Schema’s”, Click Next.

Choose to use “Automatic Memory Management”, Click on “Character Sets” and choose “AL32UTF8”, Click Next.

Check the boxes for “Create Database”, “Save as Database Template” (For future reuse), “Generate Database Creation Scripts”, Click Next.

In the screen above, Click “Finish” and the database installation will start.

If all goes well, the installation will complete, and dbca will prompt you to exit.

Congratulations !!! Now you have a brand new 12cr1 database. Now it is time to connect and start exploring the Ground Breaking Innovations in the Oracle 12c database.



Installing Oracle Rdbms 12c Release 1 on Oracle Linux 6

In this previous post, i showed how to build a Virtual Box image, that runs the Oracle Linux 6 Update 4 x86-64 bit operating system. I set the image up with all the pre-requisites for installing the Oracle Rdbms 12c Release1. In this blog post i’ll describe the steps i executed to install a single instance, oracle 12c Oracle Home on Oracle Linux 6.

Download the Oracle 12c Software


Download the above two files to your desktop.

Scp them to the Oracle Linux 6 server.

I copied the zip files into a directory named /u02/sw (Owned by oracle) and unzipped both of them in that directory.

Directory structure

Since this is a test install, i am not really following the oracle best practices on separating the Oracle Base, Oracle Inventory location and Oracle Home. In my installation all these are going into /u01/12cr1

Setting up the X Display

Since the installer is a graphical user interface, we need to redirect the display to the client (Unless you are installing using a Vnc client, or logged into the Oracle Linux 6 virtual machine using a Gui).

I am running this on ubuntu linux, so my ubuntu linux desktop is the X client.

I login to the Oracle Linux 6 virtual machine using the following command, which redirects the display to my desktop.

ssh -X -l oracle

Install Oracle 12c Binaries

Login as the oracle user to the OEL6 virtual machine

cd /u02/sw/database

Invoke runInstaller as shown in the screen above

The 12c Logo displays


Click Next on the above 2 screens.

In the screen shown above, choose “Install database software only”. This way we install just the rdbms binaries and then we’ll create the database afterwards.

In the screen above choose “Single Instance database installation”.

In the Screen above choose “English” as the language.

In the Screen above, chooose “Enterprise Edition”

In the Screen above, choose the Oracle Base as “/u01/12cr1” and the Oracle Home as “/u01/12cr1/dbh1”

In the Screen above Choose the location of the Oracle Inventory as “/u01/12cr1/oraInventory”

In the above Screen, choose the defaults

In the screen above, the installer complains about the physical memory, shmall and shmmax.

In my case shmall and shmmax are set much higher than the values that oracle recommends.

If you have set the memory for the virtual machine to 2Gb as i mentioned in my previous post, the warning about the physical memory should not be present. So it is ok to ignore these warnings and proceed with the installation, as shown in the picture above.

The installer displays the installation locations. Click on “Install” to start the installation.

The installation proceeds as shown in the figure above.

After the binary installation, the installer prompts you to run two scripts.

Login as root, to the Oracle 6 virtual machine, from another screen.

Then click Ok on the screen above.

Click “Close”  in the screen above to complete the rdbms binary installation.

In the next blog post, i will document the steps to create and start a Container database and Pluggable database.

Shell script to create a tar archive of oracle trace files.

Whenever you have an oracle database problem and Oracle support asks you to upload the related trace files, the best option is to use the oracle Incident Packaging service to create an archive file that has all the necessary info to be uploaded to oracle.

If you just want to upload all the .trc files generated in the diagnostics trace directory (including but not limited to pmon traces), you can use the following script to generate such an archive file.

The following script accepts

  • The directory name (The location of your trace files)
  • The backup destination directory (The directory where you want the archive to be created. Ensure you have enough space here)
  • The date of the trace files (DD-MON-YYYY)
  • The begin time (HH24MI)
  • The end time (HH24MI)

Then it finds all .trc files that falls in between those begin and end times for the date you specified, from the directory you specified and creates a tar.gz archive file in the destination directory you specified. It creates a directory named trcbakMonDD in your destination directory and places the file in that dir. You can download this file and upload it to oracle.

Usage Example :. / /u01/11gr2/diag/rdbms/rk01/rk01/trace /tmp ’11-Sep-2012′ 1315 1340

The abov ecommand will backup all .trc files, from the directory  /u01/11gr2/diag/rdbms/rk01/rk01/trace, that have a timestamp between 13:15 and 13:40 on 11th Sep 2012 to a tar Archive in the directory /tmp

I have only tested it on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5. (It is likely that the syntax for the Tar and date commands might be different on different platforms)

Find the script code below


#This script can be used to create a tar archive of trace files created in 
#The database diagnostics trace directory between a given time period
#Author : Rajeev Ramdas

if [ $# != 5 ]
   echo ./ tracefiledir backupdir DD-Mon-YYYY HH24MI HH24MI
   echo ./ /u01/Rk/Docs/11g/Scripts2 /tmp '09-Nov-2012' 0900 1332

l_backdir=trcbak`date --date=${3} +%b%d`
l_startdate=`date --date=${3} +%Y%m%d`
l_enddate=`date --date=${3} +%Y%m%d`

if [ ! -d ${1} ]
   echo Wrong Backup Dir
   exit 1

if [ ! -d ${2} ]
   echo Wrong Backup Dest
   exit 1

if [ -d ${l_backdest} ]
   echo Directory Exists
   mkdir ${l_backdest}

if [ -f ${l_backfile} ]
   rm ${l_backfile}

touch -t "$l_starttime" /tmp/tmpoldfile
touch -t "$l_endtime" /tmp/tmpnewfile

find $1 -type f -newer /tmp/tmpoldfile ! -newer /tmp/tmpnewfile -name '*.trc' |  xargs tar -czvf - | cat > ${l_backfile}

echo Your backup file is ${l_backfile}

Using the R Language with an Oracle Database.

R Programming Language Connectivity to Oracle.

R is an open source programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a fully functional programming language, widely used by statisticians to perform data analysis. It can also be a neat tool for Oracle DBA’s to graph and analyse database performance metrics. If you intend to embark on developing a sizable R+Oracle project, i’d encourage you to use Oracle Enterprise R and/or the Oracle Advanced Analytics.

Below are the steps on how to install and configure the R language on Ubuntu Linux with connectivity to Oracle.

These steps assume that you have an already installed and running Oracle 11gR2 database.

The high level steps are as follows

1) Install the R programming language environment
2) Download and install the oracle instant client
3) Download and install the following R packages
– ROracle
4) Start using R with Oracle.

Install the R programming language environment

Refer to the installation instructions at for your platform.
If you are installing this on Ubuntu Linux (As I have on Ubuntu 12.10), open the “Ubuntu Software Center” and install the following packages.
– R-base
– R-base-dev

Download and install the oracle instant Client

As your regular o/s user, download and install (Installation is nothing other than unzipping the downloaded file) the oracle instant client.
Download The instant client for your o/s platform from
You need to download
– Instant Client package – Basic
– Instant Client package – SDK

For the purpose of this installation, we are going to assume that the instant client has been installed into /u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_11_2.

 Download and install the R packages


– Download DBI from (Download the package source)
– sudo su –
– cd <To the directory where DBI_0.2-5.tar.gz>

root# R CMD INSTALL DBI_0.2-5.tar.gz
* installing to library ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’
* installing *source* package ‘DBI’ ...
** R
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Creating a generic function for ‘summary’ from package ‘base’ in package ‘DBI’
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded



– Download the ROracle source from
– sudo su –
– cd

– Set the following environment variables

root# export OCI_LIB=/u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_11_2
root# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_11_2:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
root# R CMD INSTALL ROracle_1.1-5.tar.gz
* installing to library ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’
* installing *source* package ‘ROracle’ ...
** package ‘ROracle’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating src/Makevars
** libs
gcc -std=gnu99 -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG -I/u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_11_2/sdk/include -fpic -O2 -pipe -g -c rodbi.c -o rodbi.o
gcc -std=gnu99 -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG -I/u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_11_2/sdk/include -fpic -O2 -pipe -g -c rooci.c -o rooci.o
gcc -std=gnu99 -shared -o rodbi.o rooci.o -L/u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_11_2 -lclntsh -L/usr/lib/R/lib -lR
installing to /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/ROracle/libs
** R
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded

* DONE (ROracle)

Using The R Language with Oracle

Now you are ready to Run your first R program, Run a query against the database, and plot the output on a graph.

Invoke the R language command line by typing in the following

$ R

From the R command line use the following commands. (The formatting is a bit messed up, click on “view code” to see the actual commands)

> library(ROracle)
> drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")
> con <- dbConnect(drv,username="sh",password="sh",dbname="burl5vb1:1521/rk01")
> res <- dbSendQuery(con,"select time_id,sum(quantity_sold) from sales
+ where time_id > to_date('20-DEC-2001','DD-MON-RR')
+ group by time_id")
> data <- fetch(res)
> data
1  2001-12-20 23:00:00                473
2  2001-12-21 23:00:00                374
3  2001-12-22 23:00:00               1034
4  2001-12-23 23:00:00               1662
5  2001-12-24 23:00:00                470
6  2001-12-25 23:00:00                289
7  2001-12-26 23:00:00               1076
8  2001-12-27 23:00:00               1196
9  2001-12-28 23:00:00                232
10 2001-12-29 23:00:00                758
11 2001-12-30 23:00:00                786

> plot(data)

You will see a plot like the one below

Happy R scripting.

If you want to learn the R Language, i would recommend the book  The Art of R programming.