In this previous post, i showed how to build a Virtual Box image, that runs the Oracle Linux 6 Update 4 x86-64 bit operating system. I set the image up with all the pre-requisites for installing the Oracle Rdbms 12c Release1. In this blog post i’ll describe the steps i executed to install a single instance, oracle 12c Oracle Home on Oracle Linux 6.
Download the Oracle 12c Software
Download the above two files to your desktop.
Scp them to the Oracle Linux 6 server.
I copied the zip files into a directory named /u02/sw (Owned by oracle) and unzipped both of them in that directory.
Directory structure
Since this is a test install, i am not really following the oracle best practices on separating the Oracle Base, Oracle Inventory location and Oracle Home. In my installation all these are going into /u01/12cr1
Setting up the X Display
Since the installer is a graphical user interface, we need to redirect the display to the client (Unless you are installing using a Vnc client, or logged into the Oracle Linux 6 virtual machine using a Gui).
I am running this on ubuntu linux, so my ubuntu linux desktop is the X client.
I login to the Oracle Linux 6 virtual machine using the following command, which redirects the display to my desktop.
ssh -X -l oracle
Install Oracle 12c Binaries
Login as the oracle user to the OEL6 virtual machine
cd /u02/sw/database
Invoke runInstaller as shown in the screen above
The 12c Logo displays
Click Next on the above 2 screens.
In the screen shown above, choose “Install database software only”. This way we install just the rdbms binaries and then we’ll create the database afterwards.
In the screen above choose “Single Instance database installation”.
In the Screen above choose “English” as the language.
In the Screen above, chooose “Enterprise Edition”
In the Screen above, choose the Oracle Base as “/u01/12cr1” and the Oracle Home as “/u01/12cr1/dbh1”
In the Screen above Choose the location of the Oracle Inventory as “/u01/12cr1/oraInventory”
In the above Screen, choose the defaults
In the screen above, the installer complains about the physical memory, shmall and shmmax.
In my case shmall and shmmax are set much higher than the values that oracle recommends.
If you have set the memory for the virtual machine to 2Gb as i mentioned in my previous post, the warning about the physical memory should not be present. So it is ok to ignore these warnings and proceed with the installation, as shown in the picture above.
The installer displays the installation locations. Click on “Install” to start the installation.
The installation proceeds as shown in the figure above.
After the binary installation, the installer prompts you to run two scripts.
Login as root, to the Oracle 6 virtual machine, from another screen.
Then click Ok on the screen above.
Click “Close” in the screen above to complete the rdbms binary installation.
In the next blog post, i will document the steps to create and start a Container database and Pluggable database.