Creating a 12cR1 database on Oracle Linux 6

In the two previous posts, i have shown how to create a Oracle Linux 6 virtual box image and then how to install a Oracle 12c Release 1 rdbms Home on the virtual box image. In this installment of the blog post, i’ll outline the steps to create a Oracle 12c Release 1, Multi Tenant database on this VirtualBox image.

In the following steps, i’ll be using dbca (Database creation assistant) to create a container database (CDB) with one pluggable database (PDB).

The following steps assume that

  • You have successfully installed Oracle Linux 6
  • You have Installed the 12cR1 rdbms binaries
  • You are still setup to redirect your DISPLAY to your desktop.

Create  a Listener

Login as oracle to your virtual host (Redirect your display to your desktop)

Invoke the executable “netca” (Network configuration assistant) from the linux command line. You will see the screen shown above. Click Next

Choose “Add” in the screen above, Click Next.

Choose the default name “LISTENER” for the listener Name, Click Next.

Choose the default, TCP protocol, Click Next.

Choose the default standard port 1521, Click Next.

Choose “No” for configuring another listener, Click Next.

The netca assistant will complete the Listener Configuration and will prompt you to Exit.

Create a New Database

Prior to Oracle 12c all databases were Non-CDB databases (ie a database that is Not a Multi Tenant Container Database). Starting with 12c you can create databases as Non-CDB databases or CDB (MultiTenant Container) databases.

In the following steps i’ll be using dbca (Database Configuration assistant)  to create a CDB with one PDB in it (Pluggable database).

Login as oracle to the Oracle 6 Linux, virtual box image, and invoke dbca from the o/s prompt, you will see the banner first and then the screen below.

Choose “Create Database” and Click Next.

Choose “Advanced Mode” and Click Next.

Choose “General Purpose Or Transaction Processing” and Click Next.

Provide your chosen “Global Database Name”, SID Name, Check the box against “Create As Container Database”, Choose the Radio Button “Create a Container Database with one or More PDB’s” , Provide a “PDB Name” and Click Next.

Check the Box to Configure “Em Express”, Click Next.

Enter the Credentials for the Administrative Users, Click Next.

Choose the default Listener “LISTENER” and Click Next.

Choose “Use Common Location for all database files”, Provide the location of the datafiles (I provided “/u02/oradata”)  and Uncheck “Specify Fast Recovery Area” (This being a test database, i am not setting it up to be in archivelog mode). Click Next.

Choose to install “Sample Schema’s”, Click Next.

Choose to use “Automatic Memory Management”, Click on “Character Sets” and choose “AL32UTF8”, Click Next.

Check the boxes for “Create Database”, “Save as Database Template” (For future reuse), “Generate Database Creation Scripts”, Click Next.

In the screen above, Click “Finish” and the database installation will start.

If all goes well, the installation will complete, and dbca will prompt you to exit.

Congratulations !!! Now you have a brand new 12cr1 database. Now it is time to connect and start exploring the Ground Breaking Innovations in the Oracle 12c database.



Installing Oracle Rdbms 12c Release 1 on Oracle Linux 6

In this previous post, i showed how to build a Virtual Box image, that runs the Oracle Linux 6 Update 4 x86-64 bit operating system. I set the image up with all the pre-requisites for installing the Oracle Rdbms 12c Release1. In this blog post i’ll describe the steps i executed to install a single instance, oracle 12c Oracle Home on Oracle Linux 6.

Download the Oracle 12c Software


Download the above two files to your desktop.

Scp them to the Oracle Linux 6 server.

I copied the zip files into a directory named /u02/sw (Owned by oracle) and unzipped both of them in that directory.

Directory structure

Since this is a test install, i am not really following the oracle best practices on separating the Oracle Base, Oracle Inventory location and Oracle Home. In my installation all these are going into /u01/12cr1

Setting up the X Display

Since the installer is a graphical user interface, we need to redirect the display to the client (Unless you are installing using a Vnc client, or logged into the Oracle Linux 6 virtual machine using a Gui).

I am running this on ubuntu linux, so my ubuntu linux desktop is the X client.

I login to the Oracle Linux 6 virtual machine using the following command, which redirects the display to my desktop.

ssh -X -l oracle

Install Oracle 12c Binaries

Login as the oracle user to the OEL6 virtual machine

cd /u02/sw/database

Invoke runInstaller as shown in the screen above

The 12c Logo displays


Click Next on the above 2 screens.

In the screen shown above, choose “Install database software only”. This way we install just the rdbms binaries and then we’ll create the database afterwards.

In the screen above choose “Single Instance database installation”.

In the Screen above choose “English” as the language.

In the Screen above, chooose “Enterprise Edition”

In the Screen above, choose the Oracle Base as “/u01/12cr1” and the Oracle Home as “/u01/12cr1/dbh1”

In the Screen above Choose the location of the Oracle Inventory as “/u01/12cr1/oraInventory”

In the above Screen, choose the defaults

In the screen above, the installer complains about the physical memory, shmall and shmmax.

In my case shmall and shmmax are set much higher than the values that oracle recommends.

If you have set the memory for the virtual machine to 2Gb as i mentioned in my previous post, the warning about the physical memory should not be present. So it is ok to ignore these warnings and proceed with the installation, as shown in the picture above.

The installer displays the installation locations. Click on “Install” to start the installation.

The installation proceeds as shown in the figure above.

After the binary installation, the installer prompts you to run two scripts.

Login as root, to the Oracle 6 virtual machine, from another screen.

Then click Ok on the screen above.

Click “Close”  in the screen above to complete the rdbms binary installation.

In the next blog post, i will document the steps to create and start a Container database and Pluggable database.

Creating an Oracle Linux Release 6 VirtualBox image

Oracle Database 12c was recently announced (On June 1 2013) to be Generally Available for customers to use. I created a new Oracle Linux 6 virtual box, virtual machine and installed Oracle 12c Release 1 on it. So i’ll blog about the steps i used, with screenshots, in a 3 part blog series. This first one is this post, where i’ll document the steps i followed to create the Oracle Linux 6 – 64 bit virtual machine (In the next 2 posts i’ll document the process used to install the rdbms binaries and create the database).

Download Oracle Linux 6 Update 4

I downloaded Oracle Linux from



Create a New VirtualBox Image

Start the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager from your program Menu

Click on “New”, you get the screen Below

Choose the Name as “OEL6” (Any name you want) and Type “Linux” and Version “Oracle (64 Bit)” as in the picture above, Click Next.

In the above screen, choose the file type to be “VDI”, Click Next.

Choose the file location and size in the screen above, Click Next.

Add the Oracle Linux ISO as a bootable Drive.

In the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager, click and Highlight the new virtual Machine “OEL6” that we created.

In the right hand side of the window you will see the details regarding this new image.

Now would be a good time to click on “System” and increase the memory allocated to the Virtual Machine to 2Gb and the Number of Processors to 2.

Then click on “Storage”, which brings you to the screen below.

Click on the icon pointed to by the Red Arrow in the Figure Above, to create a new Dvd Drive.

Choose the Oracle Linux 6 iso image that you just downloaded from

This action will result in a new DVD drive being displayed in the storage screen, as in the Figure above. Click OK and return to the “Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager” main screen.

Install Oracle Linux 6 Update 4

In the Left panel of the Main Menu, Highlight your new Virtual Box image “OEL6”, and click on “Start”. It brings up the screen below

Hit Enter, it will Bring you to the screen below

In this screen i chose to skip the test of the media, tab to skip and hit enter.

In this screen i chose “English”, hit Enter

In this screen i chose “U.S English”, hit Enter

Choose “Basic Storage Devices” and in the next screen Choose “Yes Discard Any Data”

In the above screen, i left the hostname as “localhost.localdomain” and did not configure networking. (Configured these manually later).

It autodetects your timezone, click Next.

Enter a password for the root user and click Next

Choose “Use All Space” and click Next, Confirm “Write Changes to Disk”, Click Next.

I chose “Database Server” in the screen above. Keep in mind that once you do this, you do not get a GUI to login to the machine. All access has to be via the command line. If you want a GUI, you can choose “Basic Server”.

The above two screens appear when the installation is in progress, and as soon as the installation is complete.

Congratulations, you now have a OEL6 Update 4, 64 bit Virtual Box image !!!

Configure Networking and Hostname

At this point it would be best if you configure the virtualbox image to use a “Bridged Network”, so that it can communicate with a ULN server, to get the updates and required packages.

Follow the instructions from Setting Up Oracle Linux 6 with public-yum for updates to setup your image to receive packages from the oracle public-yum repository.

Login as root

Edit /etc/sysconfig/network, and change

Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and add


This sets up a static IP address and plumbs up eth0 after reboots.

Install Pre-requisite RPM’s (For a 12cR1 oracle installation)

Login as root

Run “yum update” (This will bring any new versions of installed packages that are available on public-yum)

Run “yum install oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall” (This will install all the pre-requisite rpm’s, setup the oracle user, setup the oinstall and dba groups, update kernel parameter settings and security settings required for an oracle installation).

Most of the work is done, you are almost there.

Create Additional Hard Disks

I like to separate my binary and database installations into separate hard disks, so now i go ahead and create two additional hard disks.

Create two new hard disks in Virtual Box

From the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager, click on your Virtual Box Image “OEL6”

Click on Storage in the right hand side panel.

Click on the Hard Disk Icon next to “Controller SATA” pointed to by the Red Arrow

Click on “Create New Disk”

Choose “VDI” for hard disk file type

Choose “Dynamically allocated” for allocation type

Choose the proper File Location and File size as 10GB

Follow the above procedure and add a second hard disk (This one 20Gb) as shown below.

Now you should have two additional hard disks in this Virtual Box Image.

I will be using the disk OEL6-u01 as the device for the /u01 (10Gb) file system and OEL6-u02 as the device for the /u02 (20Gb) file system.

Now when you reboot the Linux virtual machine, OEL6-u01 will show up as /dev/sdb and OEL6-u02 will show up as /dev/sdc.

Partition, Format and Mount the hard disks

Once the devices are created and the VirtualBox Virtual machine has been rebooted, login as root.

Use the fdisk -l commands as shown above, to check that the disks /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc exist and are the correct sizes.

Partition the disks as shown above.

Format the disk /dev/sdb1 as shown above. Repeat the process for /dev/sdc1

Add the entries shown above to /etc/fstab so that the filesystems are mounted everytime you reboot the machine.

At this point, i shut down the virtual machine and switched it from using a “Bridged Network” to using a “Host Only” network.

Now we have a Oracle Linux 6 Virtual Machine that is ready for a Oracle 12c database Release 1 installation.

My next post will walk through the steps to install a single instance Oracle 12c Release 1 Rdbms Environment.


Graph CPU usage on exadata using oswatcher files

On the oracle database machine, oswatcher is installed during setup time, both on the database nodes and the exadata cells. This utility collects linux operating system level statistics, which comes in very handy when troubleshooting operating system level issues. The data is collected in text files. There is a Java based utility (OSWG) provided by oracle support to graph the contents of these files, however that utility does not work on the oswatcher files generated on exadata.

Here is a python script that can graph the cpu used from the mpstat information that oswatcher captures. It has been tested on new oswatcher files on an x3-2. You need to first install a python environment that has the “numpy” and “matplotlib” modules installed.

Install a Python Virtualenv.

If you create multiple applications using Python and end up using different versions, it is easier to maintain different virtualenv’s. You can create a python virtualenv as shown below (On ubuntu linux).

curl -O
tar -xzvf virtualenv-1.9.1.tar.gz
cd virtualenv-1.9.1
python ../p273env2
. p273env2/bin/activate
pip install numpy
sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev
pip install matplotlib

Now that you have a python environment, with your required libraries, you can go ahead and execute the script as shown below.

The oswatcher files in /opt/oracle/oswatcher are .bz2 files and there will be one file per hour per day. Copy the mpstat .bz2 files into a directory and use bunzip2 to unzip them. In this example let us say that the directory name is /u01/oswatcher/mpstat/tmp

You can now run the script as shown below

python  /u01/oswatcher/mpstat/tmp
python  /u01/oswatcher/mpstat/tmp '06/14/2013 05:00:00 AM' '06/14/2013 07:00:00 AM'

The first command will graph the cpu usage for the entire time range in all those files and the second command graphs the cpu information for the date and time range you have specified.

It creates a file in the current directory, named oswmpstat.png, which has the graph.

You can find the full script here.

You can find a sample output graph here.

Ubuntu 12.10 start hangs after checking battery state

I have been running ubuntu 12.10, 64 bit for over a month now on my Lenovo T430. Intermittently as i startup, it would go through the startup process and get to a message “Checking Battery Sate” and then hang (It just looks like it is hanging, in fact what is happening is that, X seems to be crashing). When this happens i do not get a Desktop window and hence i could not  login.

There seems to be some bugs on launchpad (1061149,834592), which do not seem to be conclusive on the fix. Looks like an option is to login and then do a startx. Other solutions talk about using a lower version of lightdm. Not entirely sure what the fix is. Running startx is not working for me.

Here is what i have been doing.

Once i get the message “Checking battery state” and it hangs, i do <Ctrl><Alt><F2>, get a login screen. Login, then switch to root. Then

pkill X

This leads to x restarting  and gives me the login screen.

Update Dec 12 2012 : Today once this happened, and i did a pkill and got my GUI login screen, even though i was typing in my password, it just kept coming back to this Login screen (Would not login to my desktop). To fix this, i had to do <Cntrl><Alt><F1> get a login screen, login, mv .Xauthority .Xauthority-original, and then rebooted again. Once i got my login screen again i was able to log back in. So somewhere along the line, looks like, something corrupted my .Xauthority file.

Hope this will be helpful to someone.

Plotting AWR database metrics using R

In a previous post i showed how you can connect from R to the oracle database using the R driver. In this post i will explain how we can run queries against the AWR history tables and gather data that can be plotted using ggplot.

When you install R on linux, like i outlined in the above post, you get an executable named Rscript. Rscript is a NonInteractive variant of the R command, so you can run a R batch file from the linux shell (Like running a bash shell script). I am using Rscript as the interpreter in my script (First line).

ggplot2 is a R library that can be used for plotting in R programs. There is native plotting capability in R and there is another library named lattice. ggplot2 is much more robust and is based on the grammar of graphics. You have to install ggplot2 (install.packages(“ggplot2”)) in R before you can use this.



Process command line arguments. This script expects 3 commandline arguments. Copy each argument to a R variable.

args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
l_dbid <- as.double(args[1])
l_bsnap <- as.double(args[2])
l_esnap <- as.double(args[3])

Connect to Oracle

drv <- dbDriver(“Oracle”)
con <- dbConnect(drv,username=”system”,password=”manager”,dbname=”burl5vb1:1521/rk01″)

Popluate a data frame with the values you will need for bind variables in the query you will be submitting. = data.frame(dbid = l_dbid, bsnap =l_bsnap,esnap=l_esnap)

Prepare and Execute the query

res <- dbSendQuery(con,”select dhss.instance_number,dhss.snap_id,dhs.end_interval_time et,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’User Transaction Per Sec’,dhss.average,0))) utps,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Average Active Sessions’,dhss.average,0))) aas,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Host CPU Utilization (%)’,dhss.average,0))) hcpu,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Buffer Cache Hit Ratio’,dhss.average,0))) bchr,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Logical Reads Per Sec’,dhss.average,0))) lr,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’I/O Megabytes per Second’,dhss.average,0))) iombps,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’I/O Requests per Second’,dhss.average,0))) iops,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Redo Generated Per Sec’,dhss.average,0))) rg,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Temp Space Used’,dhss.average,0))) ts,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Physical Write Total IO Requests Per Sec’,dhss.average,0))) pw,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Physical Read Total IO Requests Per Sec’,dhss.average,0))) pr
from dba_hist_sysmetric_summary dhss,dba_hist_snapshot dhs
dhss.dbid = :1
and dhss.snap_id between :2 and :3
and dhss.metric_name in (
‘User Transaction Per Sec’,
‘Average Active Sessions’,
‘Host CPU Utilization (%)’,
‘Buffer Cache Hit Ratio’,
‘Logical Reads Per Sec’,
‘I/O Megabytes per Second’,
‘I/O Requests per Second’,
‘Redo Generated Per Sec’,
‘Temp Space Used’,
‘Physical Write Total IO Requests Per Sec’,
‘Physical Read Total IO Requests Per Sec’)
and dhss.dbid = dhs.dbid
and dhs.instance_number=1
and dhss.snap_id = dhs.snap_id
group by dhss.instance_number,dhss.snap_id,dhs.end_interval_time
order by 1,2″,

Fetch the rows, and disconnect from the db.

data <- fetch(res)

Open a pdf file to save the graphs to.
Generate the graphs using ggplot.
print the graphs to the pdf file
Close the pdf file.

In the ggplot function call, ET and INSTANCE_NUMBER represent the End Snap Time and Instance Number columns output from the query, and AAS, UTPS, HCPU, PW and PR represent the AverageActiveSessions, UserTransactionPerSecond, HostCpu, PhysicalWrites and PhysicalReads columns from the query.

pdf(“plotstat.pdf”, onefile = TRUE)
p1<-ggplot(data,aes(strptime(ET,format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”),AAS,group=INSTANCE_NUMBER,color=INSTANCE_NUMBER))+geom_point()+geom_line()+ggtitle(“Average Active S
essions”)+labs(x=”Time of Day”,y=”Average Active Sessions”)
p2<-ggplot(data,aes(strptime(ET,format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”),UTPS,group=INSTANCE_NUMBER,color=INSTANCE_NUMBER))+geom_point()+geom_line()+ggtitle(“Transactions Pe
r Second”)+labs(x=”Time of Day”,y=”Transactions Per Second”)
p3<-ggplot(data,aes(strptime(ET,format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”),HCPU,group=INSTANCE_NUMBER,color=INSTANCE_NUMBER))+geom_point()+geom_line()+ggtitle(“CPU Usage”)+lab
s(x=”Time of Day”,y=”Cpu Usage”)
p4<-ggplot(data,aes(strptime(ET,format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”),PW,group=INSTANCE_NUMBER,color=INSTANCE_NUMBER))+geom_point()+geom_line()+ggtitle(“Physical Writes”)
+labs(x=”Time of Day”,y=”Phywical Writes”)
p5<-ggplot(data,aes(strptime(ET,format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”),PR,group=INSTANCE_NUMBER,color=INSTANCE_NUMBER))+geom_point()+geom_line()+ggtitle(“Physical Reads”)+
labs(x=”Time of Day”,y=”Physical Reads”)

You can run this script as follows from the Linux Command Line. The first argument is the dbid, the second argument is the begin snap id and the last argument is the end snap id.

./plotstat.R 220594996 5205 5217

You will then see a pdf document named plotstat.pdf in your directory that has 5 separate graphs in it.
Click on the link below to see a sample file. This is plotting awr data from a 4 node Oracle Rac Database.


Click Here to download the whole script, plotstat.R

ggplot2 : Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis is a great book to learn about ggplot2.

Shell script to create a tar archive of oracle trace files.

Whenever you have an oracle database problem and Oracle support asks you to upload the related trace files, the best option is to use the oracle Incident Packaging service to create an archive file that has all the necessary info to be uploaded to oracle.

If you just want to upload all the .trc files generated in the diagnostics trace directory (including but not limited to pmon traces), you can use the following script to generate such an archive file.

The following script accepts

  • The directory name (The location of your trace files)
  • The backup destination directory (The directory where you want the archive to be created. Ensure you have enough space here)
  • The date of the trace files (DD-MON-YYYY)
  • The begin time (HH24MI)
  • The end time (HH24MI)

Then it finds all .trc files that falls in between those begin and end times for the date you specified, from the directory you specified and creates a tar.gz archive file in the destination directory you specified. It creates a directory named trcbakMonDD in your destination directory and places the file in that dir. You can download this file and upload it to oracle.

Usage Example :. / /u01/11gr2/diag/rdbms/rk01/rk01/trace /tmp ’11-Sep-2012′ 1315 1340

The abov ecommand will backup all .trc files, from the directory  /u01/11gr2/diag/rdbms/rk01/rk01/trace, that have a timestamp between 13:15 and 13:40 on 11th Sep 2012 to a tar Archive in the directory /tmp

I have only tested it on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5. (It is likely that the syntax for the Tar and date commands might be different on different platforms)

Find the script code below


#This script can be used to create a tar archive of trace files created in 
#The database diagnostics trace directory between a given time period
#Author : Rajeev Ramdas

if [ $# != 5 ]
   echo ./ tracefiledir backupdir DD-Mon-YYYY HH24MI HH24MI
   echo ./ /u01/Rk/Docs/11g/Scripts2 /tmp '09-Nov-2012' 0900 1332

l_backdir=trcbak`date --date=${3} +%b%d`
l_startdate=`date --date=${3} +%Y%m%d`
l_enddate=`date --date=${3} +%Y%m%d`

if [ ! -d ${1} ]
   echo Wrong Backup Dir
   exit 1

if [ ! -d ${2} ]
   echo Wrong Backup Dest
   exit 1

if [ -d ${l_backdest} ]
   echo Directory Exists
   mkdir ${l_backdest}

if [ -f ${l_backfile} ]
   rm ${l_backfile}

touch -t "$l_starttime" /tmp/tmpoldfile
touch -t "$l_endtime" /tmp/tmpnewfile

find $1 -type f -newer /tmp/tmpoldfile ! -newer /tmp/tmpnewfile -name '*.trc' |  xargs tar -czvf - | cat > ${l_backfile}

echo Your backup file is ${l_backfile}

Using the R Language with an Oracle Database.

R Programming Language Connectivity to Oracle.

R is an open source programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a fully functional programming language, widely used by statisticians to perform data analysis. It can also be a neat tool for Oracle DBA’s to graph and analyse database performance metrics. If you intend to embark on developing a sizable R+Oracle project, i’d encourage you to use Oracle Enterprise R and/or the Oracle Advanced Analytics.

Below are the steps on how to install and configure the R language on Ubuntu Linux with connectivity to Oracle.

These steps assume that you have an already installed and running Oracle 11gR2 database.

The high level steps are as follows

1) Install the R programming language environment
2) Download and install the oracle instant client
3) Download and install the following R packages
– ROracle
4) Start using R with Oracle.

Install the R programming language environment

Refer to the installation instructions at for your platform.
If you are installing this on Ubuntu Linux (As I have on Ubuntu 12.10), open the “Ubuntu Software Center” and install the following packages.
– R-base
– R-base-dev

Download and install the oracle instant Client

As your regular o/s user, download and install (Installation is nothing other than unzipping the downloaded file) the oracle instant client.
Download The instant client for your o/s platform from
You need to download
– Instant Client package – Basic
– Instant Client package – SDK

For the purpose of this installation, we are going to assume that the instant client has been installed into /u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_11_2.

 Download and install the R packages


– Download DBI from (Download the package source)
– sudo su –
– cd <To the directory where DBI_0.2-5.tar.gz>

root# R CMD INSTALL DBI_0.2-5.tar.gz
* installing to library ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’
* installing *source* package ‘DBI’ ...
** R
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Creating a generic function for ‘summary’ from package ‘base’ in package ‘DBI’
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded



– Download the ROracle source from
– sudo su –
– cd

– Set the following environment variables

root# export OCI_LIB=/u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_11_2
root# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_11_2:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
root# R CMD INSTALL ROracle_1.1-5.tar.gz
* installing to library ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’
* installing *source* package ‘ROracle’ ...
** package ‘ROracle’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating src/Makevars
** libs
gcc -std=gnu99 -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG -I/u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_11_2/sdk/include -fpic -O2 -pipe -g -c rodbi.c -o rodbi.o
gcc -std=gnu99 -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG -I/u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_11_2/sdk/include -fpic -O2 -pipe -g -c rooci.c -o rooci.o
gcc -std=gnu99 -shared -o rodbi.o rooci.o -L/u01/Rk/Apps/oracle/instantclient_11_2 -lclntsh -L/usr/lib/R/lib -lR
installing to /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/ROracle/libs
** R
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded

* DONE (ROracle)

Using The R Language with Oracle

Now you are ready to Run your first R program, Run a query against the database, and plot the output on a graph.

Invoke the R language command line by typing in the following

$ R

From the R command line use the following commands. (The formatting is a bit messed up, click on “view code” to see the actual commands)

> library(ROracle)
> drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")
> con <- dbConnect(drv,username="sh",password="sh",dbname="burl5vb1:1521/rk01")
> res <- dbSendQuery(con,"select time_id,sum(quantity_sold) from sales
+ where time_id > to_date('20-DEC-2001','DD-MON-RR')
+ group by time_id")
> data <- fetch(res)
> data
1  2001-12-20 23:00:00                473
2  2001-12-21 23:00:00                374
3  2001-12-22 23:00:00               1034
4  2001-12-23 23:00:00               1662
5  2001-12-24 23:00:00                470
6  2001-12-25 23:00:00                289
7  2001-12-26 23:00:00               1076
8  2001-12-27 23:00:00               1196
9  2001-12-28 23:00:00                232
10 2001-12-29 23:00:00                758
11 2001-12-30 23:00:00                786

> plot(data)

You will see a plot like the one below

Happy R scripting.

If you want to learn the R Language, i would recommend the book  The Art of R programming.


Oracle 12c new features

In Andy Mendelsohn’s openworld 2012 keynote presentation, he mentioned 3 key new features of the oracle database 12c. For those of you who were unable to attend the keynote and do not have the 50 minutes to watch the replay, here is the reader’s digest version of the features.

Pluggable Databases

In a pluggable database environment, you create a single database container, and plug multiple databases into this container. They key design feature here is that, all these databases then share the exact same oracle server processes (aka background processes) and memory (Unlike in the previous versions where each database got its own set of background processes and shared memory allocation).

In oracle versions upto 11gr2, when you used database resource management, you had to setup resource plans per database, and each of the database did not know about the resource utilization of other databases on the same server. So you have to use Instance Caging in order to ensure that database’s used only their allocated amount of cpu resources. In Oracle 12c, since all the databases use the same container, the container will know about the resource utilization of all the databases and hence can do the database resource management efficiently.

This lends itself well to consolidating into larger databases.

Database Heatmaps

In 12c the oracle database keep’s track of which data in your tables are being selected/updated/deleted/inserted frequently. Then the database can decide what type of compression to apply to data that has different transaction profiles. Oracle 12c will also have the ability to compress the data as per the above tracking and analysis.

Database consolidated replay

When you are consolidating multiple databases into a single database (Maybe in the oracle database machine), you can now capture workloads from multiple databases and replay them on a single target database.

This helps with consolidating databases into pluggable databases in 12c.

Andy did not forget to mention that, there are around 500 new features in 12c.

The details on how these features work, will become available, closer to when the database 12c is actually released.

Exadata Deployment Assistant

Previously, for an Oracle database machine installation, customers had to fill out the configuration worksheet, with information regarding the hostnames, ip addresses, how they want the machine configured etc. The file generated from the configuration worksheet served as the input to OneCommand.

Now there is a new utility called the “Exadata Deployment Assistant”. This is a java based, wizard driven configuration file generator, which replaces the configuration worksheet. You can get the utility by downloading the latest OneCommand Patch. You can find the latest OneCommand patch by referring to the Onecommand section of Mos Note 888828.1.

You can also find the latest Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant at

Download and unzip the patch.

cd linux-x64


The details of the command, and the inputs it looks for are in the chapter titled “Using Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant”, in the latest “Exadata database machine Owner’s guide”.