Plotting AWR database metrics using R

In a previous post i showed how you can connect from R to the oracle database using the R driver. In this post i will explain how we can run queries against the AWR history tables and gather data that can be plotted using ggplot.

When you install R on linux, like i outlined in the above post, you get an executable named Rscript. Rscript is a NonInteractive variant of the R command, so you can run a R batch file from the linux shell (Like running a bash shell script). I am using Rscript as the interpreter in my script (First line).

ggplot2 is a R library that can be used for plotting in R programs. There is native plotting capability in R and there is another library named lattice. ggplot2 is much more robust and is based on the grammar of graphics. You have to install ggplot2 (install.packages(“ggplot2”)) in R before you can use this.



Process command line arguments. This script expects 3 commandline arguments. Copy each argument to a R variable.

args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
l_dbid <- as.double(args[1])
l_bsnap <- as.double(args[2])
l_esnap <- as.double(args[3])

Connect to Oracle

drv <- dbDriver(“Oracle”)
con <- dbConnect(drv,username=”system”,password=”manager”,dbname=”burl5vb1:1521/rk01″)

Popluate a data frame with the values you will need for bind variables in the query you will be submitting. = data.frame(dbid = l_dbid, bsnap =l_bsnap,esnap=l_esnap)

Prepare and Execute the query

res <- dbSendQuery(con,”select dhss.instance_number,dhss.snap_id,dhs.end_interval_time et,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’User Transaction Per Sec’,dhss.average,0))) utps,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Average Active Sessions’,dhss.average,0))) aas,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Host CPU Utilization (%)’,dhss.average,0))) hcpu,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Buffer Cache Hit Ratio’,dhss.average,0))) bchr,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Logical Reads Per Sec’,dhss.average,0))) lr,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’I/O Megabytes per Second’,dhss.average,0))) iombps,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’I/O Requests per Second’,dhss.average,0))) iops,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Redo Generated Per Sec’,dhss.average,0))) rg,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Temp Space Used’,dhss.average,0))) ts,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Physical Write Total IO Requests Per Sec’,dhss.average,0))) pw,
round(sum(decode(dhss.metric_name,’Physical Read Total IO Requests Per Sec’,dhss.average,0))) pr
from dba_hist_sysmetric_summary dhss,dba_hist_snapshot dhs
dhss.dbid = :1
and dhss.snap_id between :2 and :3
and dhss.metric_name in (
‘User Transaction Per Sec’,
‘Average Active Sessions’,
‘Host CPU Utilization (%)’,
‘Buffer Cache Hit Ratio’,
‘Logical Reads Per Sec’,
‘I/O Megabytes per Second’,
‘I/O Requests per Second’,
‘Redo Generated Per Sec’,
‘Temp Space Used’,
‘Physical Write Total IO Requests Per Sec’,
‘Physical Read Total IO Requests Per Sec’)
and dhss.dbid = dhs.dbid
and dhs.instance_number=1
and dhss.snap_id = dhs.snap_id
group by dhss.instance_number,dhss.snap_id,dhs.end_interval_time
order by 1,2″,

Fetch the rows, and disconnect from the db.

data <- fetch(res)

Open a pdf file to save the graphs to.
Generate the graphs using ggplot.
print the graphs to the pdf file
Close the pdf file.

In the ggplot function call, ET and INSTANCE_NUMBER represent the End Snap Time and Instance Number columns output from the query, and AAS, UTPS, HCPU, PW and PR represent the AverageActiveSessions, UserTransactionPerSecond, HostCpu, PhysicalWrites and PhysicalReads columns from the query.

pdf(“plotstat.pdf”, onefile = TRUE)
p1<-ggplot(data,aes(strptime(ET,format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”),AAS,group=INSTANCE_NUMBER,color=INSTANCE_NUMBER))+geom_point()+geom_line()+ggtitle(“Average Active S
essions”)+labs(x=”Time of Day”,y=”Average Active Sessions”)
p2<-ggplot(data,aes(strptime(ET,format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”),UTPS,group=INSTANCE_NUMBER,color=INSTANCE_NUMBER))+geom_point()+geom_line()+ggtitle(“Transactions Pe
r Second”)+labs(x=”Time of Day”,y=”Transactions Per Second”)
p3<-ggplot(data,aes(strptime(ET,format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”),HCPU,group=INSTANCE_NUMBER,color=INSTANCE_NUMBER))+geom_point()+geom_line()+ggtitle(“CPU Usage”)+lab
s(x=”Time of Day”,y=”Cpu Usage”)
p4<-ggplot(data,aes(strptime(ET,format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”),PW,group=INSTANCE_NUMBER,color=INSTANCE_NUMBER))+geom_point()+geom_line()+ggtitle(“Physical Writes”)
+labs(x=”Time of Day”,y=”Phywical Writes”)
p5<-ggplot(data,aes(strptime(ET,format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”),PR,group=INSTANCE_NUMBER,color=INSTANCE_NUMBER))+geom_point()+geom_line()+ggtitle(“Physical Reads”)+
labs(x=”Time of Day”,y=”Physical Reads”)

You can run this script as follows from the Linux Command Line. The first argument is the dbid, the second argument is the begin snap id and the last argument is the end snap id.

./plotstat.R 220594996 5205 5217

You will then see a pdf document named plotstat.pdf in your directory that has 5 separate graphs in it.
Click on the link below to see a sample file. This is plotting awr data from a 4 node Oracle Rac Database.


Click Here to download the whole script, plotstat.R

ggplot2 : Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis is a great book to learn about ggplot2.

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