Using Python 3

I have been writing some python scripts for awr analysis and trending. Since python 2.7 is no longer being enhanced, i have now switched to using python 3. Lot of python applications and frameworks still does not support python 3 (Notably the Django framework). Good news is that cx_oracle works with python 3.

The steps to install cx_oracle with python 3 are very similar to the steps that i had outlined in my previous post on installing cx_oracle with python 2.7.

The difference is that

– You have to first install python3 and python3-dev (On ubuntu, you can just use the ubuntu software center to do this)

– Then download the cx_oracle 5.1.1 source code only tar ball from

– login as root, untar the tar file, cd to the cx_Oracle-5.1.1 directory

– Then run /usr/bin/python3 install

That does it and now oracle connectivity is in place.

I’ve also been using the matplotlib library along with Python to plot graphs with the awr and oswatcher data files. matplotlib also works with python 3.

– You have to first install libpng, libpng-dev, libfreetype6, libfreetype6-dev (Use the ubuntu software center)

– Download the numpy source code tar ball.

– Extract the tar file, login as root, cd to the directory and run /usr/bin/python3 install

– Installing matplotlib Ref :

– Download the matplotlib source code tar file

– Login as root, cd to the directory

– /usr/bin/python3 build

– /usr/bin/python3 install

Now you should have matplotlib working with python3

Enjoy your python scripting

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