Tracing oracle parallel query sessions and creating a tkprof output
exec dbms_session.set_identifier(‘px_test’);alter session set events=’10046 trace name context forever,level 1′;
sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL> sho parameter user_dump_directory
cd /u01/udumpmkdir tmp2find . -name ‘*.trc’ -mmin 5
trcsess output=prog9.trc clientid=px_test *.trctkprof prog9.trc prog9.out sort=exeela sys=no
11gr2 new awr reports for Real Application Clusters
There are two new awr reports in 11gr2, which will be helpful to dba’s in Real Application Clusters Environments (RAC).
This is a cluster wide awr report, so you can see a lot of the information from all the nodes in the same section, and you can also see aggregated statistics from all the instances at the same time (You can see totals, averages and standard deviations).
This is a cluster wide stats diff report (like you had awrddrpt.sql in 11gr1), comparing the stats differences between two different snapshot intervals, across all nodes in the cluster.
These are huge additions to the awr reports, that enable understanding the database performance in real application clusters environments.
Cloud computing definition.
The National Institute of Standards and technology has a good, concise definition of cloud computing. Sushil kumar of Oracle, was using the same language to define cloud computing in an article the current release of the oracle magazine.
Essential Charachteristics
- On Demand Self-Service
- Broad Network Access
- Resource Pooling
- Rapid Elasticity
- Measured Service
Service Models
- Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Deployment Models
- Private Cloud
- Community Cloud
- Public Cloud
- Hybrid Cloud
Datapump export and import – parallel and compress
It’s been a while since i wrote anything on my blog. Not because I am lazy, but because I’ve been doing a bunch of proof of concepts for various customers. database machine, audit vault, data masking, rac and securefiles etc. Its been loads of fun.
I wanted to write about a a couple of neat things i came across .
Exporting from an oracle database in parallel
Imagine that you have a fairly large database and you want to export the database onto two different devices in parallel (Let us say you have two usb devices attached to the server and you want to leverage the write throughput you get to both simultaneously). You can do this in two steps
- Define 2 different oracle directories
- Let us say for eg: the drives you want to use are mounted at /u01/firstusb and /u01/secondusb
- create directory exp1 as ‘/u01/firstusb’;
- create directory exp2 as ‘/u01/secondusb’;
- While exporting use the directories in the dumpfile keyword
- expdp system/manager directory=exp1 dumpfile=exp1:exp_test_%U.dmp,exp2:exp_test_%U.dmp schemas=AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD parallel=8 logfile=exp.log
So since you are using exp1:exp_test_%U.dmp,exp2:exp_test_%U.dmp and a parallel=8, datapump creates 4 dump files each on exp1 and exp2 which points to /u01/firstusb and /u01/secondusb respectively.
Importing and Enabling Compression (OLTP or Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression)
Let us say you want to export from a database that does not have compression turned on, and want to import into one with compression turned ON. Since the table is created with the NOCOMPRESS (defautlt) keyword, the expdp statement actually gathers this info and uses it to create the “create table” statement when it creates the table during the import. So the default is for the imported table also to be NOCOMPRESS.
If you only have a hand full of tables you want to enable compression on, you can pre-create the table (And its indexes and such) using the Compress for Oltp clause and then run the datapump import specifying the parameter table_exists_option=APPEND
If you want to do it for all the tables in a tablespace.
- Create the tablespace with compression enabled at the tablespace level.
- Then while importing using datapump specify the transform=SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES:n:table parameter.
This causes import to ignore the segment attributes for the table while creating it, which will cause the table to inherit the attributes specified at the tablespace level and will be created with OLTP compression enabled.
Grid computing sessions at Oracle Openworld 2009
If you are attending Oracle Openworld 2009, and are interested in learning a lot about oracle Rac and Grid computing, you can find a full list of Oracle Rac and Grid computing events Here (Starting at page 2 of the pdf doc).
In preparation for the event, you could read the following new 11gR2 white papers from Oracle, to understand the latest developments and arm yourself with questions.
Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g Release 2 Technical Overview
Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g Release 2 Overview of SCAN
Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node 11g Release 2 Technical Overview
Creating a view only user in Enterprise Manager grid control
Sometimes you would want to give only database monitoring access to some grid control users. You dont want them to get all other administrative privileges, like shutdown database, create tables, alter tables, drop tables etc. You can create such administrators in enterprise manager grid control by following the steps below.
Whenever you want to monitor a database target, you need to be able to login as a user to that database. Sometimes you might be logging in as SYSTEM or some other user that has DBA privileges. So the first step we need to perform, is to create a user in the target database, that has only limited privileges.
sqlplus system@target
create user oem_view identified by xxx
default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
grant create session, oem_monitor to oem_view;
OEM_MONITOR is a role in the database, that has some specific privileges granted to it. If you do not want to grant all those privileges to this user, you can then query the data dictionary to see which privileges are granted to OEM_MONITOR and then decide which subset of that you want to grant to your user OEM_VIEW.
Once the user in the target database is created, you can use enterprise manager grid control to create the new grid control administrator.
Login to enterprise manager grid control as SYSMAN (Or any super administrator)
Setup -> Administrators -> Create
Remove the “Public” role that is listed in the right hand side table
Under Create Administrator: System Privileges select ‘VIEW ANY TARGET’.
Under Create Administrator: Targets, choose all the targets this new admin should be able to view
Click Apply.
Refernce : Metalink Note 377310.1
Login as this new administrator user you created and set oem_view as the username for the database target in preferred credentials.
11gR2 rac installation on 64 bit Linux step by step
Yesterday i completed a 11g Release 2 real application clusters installation on 64 bit Oracle Enterprise Linux 4. The installation process is very similar to the 10g and 11gr1 installations, but much simpler. This was a two node cluster. There are some new concepts that are introduced in 11gR2 real application clusters. Below are some of my notes on 11gr2 new features for Rac and detailed steps that i followed to complete the installation.
Some new concepts in 11gR2 Rac
Oracle clusterware and ASM now are installed into the Same Oracle Home, and is now called the grid infrastructure install.
Raw devices are no longer supported for use for anything (Read oracle cluster registry, voting disk, asm disks), for new installs.
OCR and Voting disk can now be stored in ASM, or a certified cluster file system.
The redundancy level of your ASM diskgroup (That you choose to place voting disk on) determines the number of voting disks you can have.
You can place
- Only One voting disk on an ASM diskgroup configured as external redundancy
- Only Three voting disks on an ASM diskgroup configured as normal redundancy
- Only Five voting disks on an ASM diskgroup configured as high redundancy
The contents of the voting disks are automatically backed up into the OCR
ACFS (Asm cluster file system) is only supported on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (And RHEL5), not on OEL4.
There is a new service called cluster time synchronization service that can keep the clocks on all the servers in the cluster synchronized (In case you dont have network time protocol (ntp) configured)
Single Client Access Name (SCAN), is a hostname in the DNS server that will resolve to 3 (or at least one) ip addresses in your public network. This hostname is to be used by client applications to connect to the database (As opposed to the vip hostnames you were using in 10g and 11gr1). SCAN provides location independence to the client connections connecting to the database. SCAN makes node additions and removals transparent to the client application (meaning you dont have to edit your tnsnames.ora entries every time you add or remove a node from the cluster).
Oracle Grid Naming Service (GNS), provides a mechanism to make the allocation and removal of VIP addresses a dynamic process (Using dynamic Ip addresses).
Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) integration, provides a new mechanism to fence server’s in the cluster, when the server is not responding.
The installer can now check the O/S requirements, report on the requirements that are not met, and give you fixup scripts to fix some of them (like setting kernel parameters).
The installer can also help you setup SSH between the cluster nodes.
There is a new deinstall utility that cleans up a existing or failed install.
And the list goes on an on.
I have broken up the installation process into 3 distinct documents, which can be found below
Installing 11gr2 grid infrastructure
Upgrade your wordpress software
If you run your blog using wordpress software, then please be aware that there is a wordpress worm going around, that can
This particular worm, like many before it, is clever: it registers a user, uses a security bug (fixed earlier in the year) to allow evaluated code to be executed through the permalink structure, makes itself an admin, then uses JavaScript to hide itself when you look at users page, attempts to clean up after itself, then goes quiet so you never notice while it inserts hidden spam and malware into your old posts.
Holy cow, who thinks up this stuff…
Check if your blog is infected.
Upgrade your blog software to wordpress 2.8.4, which takes care of the vulnarabilities that this worm exploits.
Perl and database resident connection pooling
If you use perl with oracle 11g databases, you should consider using database resident connection pooling to reduce the overheads associated with connecting and disconnecting from oracle. Much has been written about how Php applications benefit by using database resident connection pooling (Because Php does not have a connection pooling mechanism of its own, unlike Java). Similar benefits can be derived by Perl Applications Too.
Mostly perl 5 applications will be using DBI and DBD – Oracle to interact with oracle databases. Since DBD – Oracle uses OCI to communicate with the oracle database, it can benefit by using database resident connection pooling.
When the database is configured for database resident connection pooling, the oracle database creates and maintains a pool of database connections. These connections are then shared by applications connecting to the oracle database. The advantage of this is that the connections are already created, so you do not incur the overhead of establishing a brand new connection to the database. You are just reusing an existing one. This is especially helpful if you have an application that establishes connections and disconnects from the oracle database very rapidly/frequently.
A connection pool can be configured and started in the database as follows
SQL> execute dbms_connection_pool.configure_pool(null,minsize=>2,maxsize=>4);
SQL> execute dbms_connection_pool.start_pool;
A connect string can be configured in the tnsnames.ora to connect to this connection pool using the following syntax
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rramdas-us)(PORT = 1521))
The perl program can then establish the connection to the database using this connect string in tnsnames.ora
use strict;
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect( ‘dbi:Oracle:RK01POOL‘,
) || die “Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr”;
Thats all it takes, and now you can reap the benefits of using oracle database resident connection pooling with Perl.
You can use dbms_connection_pool.stop_pool to stop the connection pool in the database.
You can use the data dictionary views dba_cpool_info, and dynamic views v$cpool_cc_info, v$cpool_cc_stats, v$cpool_stats to monitor database resident connection pools.