Rac Starter Kit

Oracle has for a while had a rac assurance team (A team within oracle support, in the HA/Rac support team) that engages proactively with new rac customers. The Rac Assurance team used to provide the new customers with a “starter kit” of documents that  include

  1. A Rac best practices document
  2. A Step by Step installation guide
  3. Recommended patches
  4. A test plan.

If the customer follows these best practices, it sets them up with a solid foundation to be successful with their new  Rac implementation.

Now these test kits are public, you can access them by accessing metlink note 810394.1

You can also log a tar in metalink and ask support for the “Rac Starter Kit”, and they will give you the platform specific starter kit that includes the list of recommended patches.

ILM Cost savings calculator

This is a simple calculator (Written using Javascript), that can be used to estimate the potential cost savings (As a result of reducing your total storage costs)  of using a Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) Strategy to store and maintain your oracle data.
When architecting your ILM strategy you may decide to use the following different types of storage

  • High performance tier where all the important and frequently accessed data is stored (Smaller faster disks).
  • Low cost storage tier where the less frequently accessed data is stored (Larger slower, ATA disks).
  • Online archive storage tier where all the data that is hardly or never accessed is stored (Low cost ATA disks).

Once you decide your classifications you could partition your tables accordingly (And then place different tablespaces on different type of storage) and then use Oracle ILM Assistant to maintain the tables and their data.

This calculator can be used to estimate the cost savings you might get by implementing such a strategy. (Remember this is only a very rough first estimate. Use values that you have received from your hardware vendor to use as inputs for cost per Gb of different tiers of storage).

Click Here to Access the ILM Calculator.

All comments and suggestions, for corrections and improvements  are welcome.

11g Rac Installation Checklists

In my numerous engagements with customers, assisting them with Oracle Rac installations, i have found that providing the customer with a checklist of tasks to be performed before the installation, and reviewing it with their Database/Server/Storage/Network  Administrator’s  help in a smooth RAC installation.The checklist only lists the tasks, but does not go into step by step details regarding how to perform the task. For the details, i then point them to the Oracle Installation and Configuration Guides (Links to which can be found in the checklist itself) and relavent metalink notes.

Below are links to the checklists that I use for 11g Installations on Linux and Solaris. All pointers to errors and improvements are welcome.

Oracle Real Application Clusters, 11g Installation Checklist for Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 and Oracle Enterprise Linux 5

Oracle Real Application Clusters, 11g Installation Checklist for Solaris

A look inside an Oracle DBA’s performance troubleshooting toolbox

From time to time, anyone who is an Oracle Database Administrator, would get summoned to troubleshoot a “database performance” issue. Once he/she has properly qualified and defined the performance issue, he/she settles down at his/her  laptop/desktop/netbook, accesses  ssh, sqlplus, enterprise manager and gets on their merry way trying to identify the root cause(s) of the performance issue and rectifying  the issue (At the same time twittering and posting facebook wall messages) (Maybe log a tar for the issue too).

In this process we often resort to using the numerous tools/concepts/techniques that are at our disposal to troubleshoot the issue. Over the years, i have had the privilege of using most of the tools/concepts/techniques that i have outlined below. These are just some of the tools and techniques that get you the best results quickly. And i know that the list is by no means exhaustive. Just wanted to give a shout out to all the DBA’s out there who carry this enormous amounts of information in their heads (And share a lot of it in blogs, collaborate,user group and openworld presentations) and apply the appropriate tools to resolve oracle performance issues.


– AWR (Automatic workload repository)
– ADDM (Automatic database diagnostic monitor)
– ASH (Active session history)
– Real Time Sql Monitoring
– Optimizer statistics (dbms_stats)
– Extended Statistics
– Time Model Statistics
– Histograms
– Explain plan (dbms_xplan,gather_plan_statistics)
– event 10046 trace
– Tkprof
– event 10053 trace
– Oracle diagnostics pack
– Oracle tuning pack
– Sql profiles
– Sql Plan Baselines
– Stored outlines
– Optimizer Hints
– Oracle Real Applications testing (Database Replay, Sql Performance Analyzer)
– Oracle Advanced Compression (Reduces Number of blocks read)
– Oracle parallel query
– Indexes
– Partitioning
– Index Organized tables
– Clusters
– SGA Sizing/configuration
– Initialization parameters
– Cursor sharing
– SQLTXPLAIN (Metalink script)
– TRCANLZR  (Metalink script)
– OLAP cubes
– Materialized views
– Automatic storage management (ASM)
– Server Results Cache
– OCI Consistent Client Cache
– Logical/Standby , Active Dataguard (Offload queries)
– Asynchronous I/O, Direct I/O

– Table/Index Rebuild

– Patches for performance bugs


– Database Non Idle Wait Events
– v$ views
– x$ tables
– SQL query structure/rewrite
– Sql tuning sets
– Star Schema Design

11g database web services

Many applications today are architect ed and built to conform with  the principles of Service Oriented Architecture . When implementing SOA, many loosly coupled services are built and are orchestrated to work together to deliver a business function. The services can be built using any programming language, like c#, java, perl etc.  Usually the programs that consume the services (Or services that consume other services), communicate with the service using the standard protocol named SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) .  SOAP messages use standard XML messages that conform with the SOAP specification.

The description of a service, the location of the service and the operations the service exposes are exposed in form of an XML document named WSDL. Typically the deployment of services, use an Application server like Oracle Fusion middleware, Jboss etc.

In oracle 11g  database, you can create and deploy web services right from the database, without really using any application server. The steps to accomplish this in an database (should work in too) are below. This is all possible because XMLDB in the database, comes with a protocol server, which supports the HTTP(S) protocol. So we can enable HTTP access to the database.

Setup the http port

Login as sys to the database

EXEC dbms_xdb.sethttpport(8080);

Configure the web services servlet

SERVLET_NAME VARCHAR2(32) := ‘orawsv’;
DISPNAME => ‘Oracle Query Web Service’,
DESCRIPT => ‘Servlet for issuing queries as a Web Service’,
SCHEMA   => ‘XDB’);
DBMS_XDB.addServletMapping(PATTERN => ‘/orawsv/*’,

You can run the following query from sqlplus  to determine if the configuration was successful

XQUERY declare default element namespace “http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/xdbconfig.xsd”;

Create the User that will own the pl/sql procedures that will be used as the web services.

create user rk01srv identified by rk01srv
quota unlimited on users;

grant connect,create table,create procedure to rk01srv;



Create the table and  Pl/Sql procedure

Drop table Books
Create Table Books
Isbn        Varchar2(15),
BookName    Varchar2(100),
Author        Varchar2(100)
alter table Books add constraints pk_books primary key (Isbn)

Insert into Books (BookName,Isbn,Author) Values (
‘Learning Perl’,’0596004788′,’Randal L. Schwartz’)
Insert into Books (BookName,Isbn,Author) Values (
‘Perl Cookbook’,’1565922433′,’Tom Christiansen’)
Insert into Books (BookName,Isbn,Author) Values (
‘Programming perl’,’0937175641′,’Larry Wall’)
Insert into Books (BookName,Isbn,Author) Values (
‘Agile Web Development with Rails’,’1934356166′,’Sam Ruby’)
Insert into Books (BookName,Isbn,Author) Values (
‘Advanced Rails Recipes’,’0978739221′,’Mike Clark’)
Insert into Books (BookName,Isbn,Author) Values (
‘Code Complete’,’0735619670′,’Steve McConnell’)
Insert into Books (BookName,Isbn,Author) Values (
‘Art of Computer Programming Volume 1′,’0201038013’,’Donald E Knuth)
p_isbn          IN  Books.isbn%TYPE,
p_bookname OUT Books.BookName%TYPE) AS
INTO   p_bookname
FROM   Books
WHERE  isbn = p_isbn;

Test access to the service

Invoke your browser and type in the following URL to display the WSDL for the service named Get_Name


You will be prompted for the username and password. This is the database username and password. Enter rk01srv for the username and password.

Create a perl script  that calls the service

You need to have installed the perl library SOAP::Lite. This library has methods you can use to generate SOAP calls to web services.

The full script can be found belowCreate a perl script  that calls the service


#use SOAP::Lite;
use SOAP::Lite ;
$l_isbn = shift;

sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials {
return ‘rk01srv’ => ‘rk01srv’;

print “The response from the server was: “;
print SOAP::Lite
->call (SOAP::Data->name(“GET_NAMEInput”),SOAP::Data->name(“P_ISBN-VARCHAR2-IN” => $l_isbn),SOAP::Data->name(“P_BOOKNAME-VARCHAR2-OUT” => “”))

The method ” SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials”, from the SOAP::Lite library is used to setup the username and password to be passed to the SOAP call.

You have to specify the URL for the soap service and the proxy name for the soap service (The theory being that one proxy can host multiple services). Then you specify the service name  (SOAP::Data->name(“GET_NAMEInput”))and each of the arguments (SOAP::Data->name(“P_ISBN-VARCHAR2-IN” => $l_isbn),SOAP::Data->name(“P_BOOKNAME-VARCHAR2-OUT” => “”)), exactly as the WSDL displayed those element names (Note that the names are different from the actual procedure name and the argument names we defined in Pl/Sql).

Then you can run the perl script as following

./getbook.pl “0201038013”

It will print out the book name that matches that ISBN code.

So using web services in the database is a good way of creating multiple loosely coupled services which can then be accessed by web based applications. The good part is that we just had to write the logic in Pl/Sql, the database took care of enabling the web service for the procedure. So this reduces a lot of work.

Cautionary note : In the example above, I use http for the protocol. This means that the database username and password you provide is transmitted to the web server in clear text, which means that someone could sniff the network and read your packets and get your username and password. So you should consider using https instead.

Oracle Advanced Compression

Databases grow in sizes over time, there are many reasons for this. Some of them are
1) Detailed web usage (click tracking) capture, to be used for analytics.
2) User created content in web 2.0 applications
3) Rarely used (But needed) historical data that does not get purged (maybe for compliance).
4) Application consolidation.

This means that customers needs to procure and maintain large amounts of disk storage (Read Storage Array Networks, or Network attached storage). I am not a storage expert, but i am sure that the cost of procuring and maintaining highly performant, high end storage (cost per gb per year) is very high.

With the Oracle advanced compression option, customers can reduce the space used by oracle database tables. In oracle 9i oracle introduced the ability to compress data that is bulk loaded into the database (direct path loads and create table as select statements). In oracle 11g this was expanded to compressing all data that is loaded into oracle tables.

The benefits of compression are manyfold.
1) Reduction of disk space used for storage
2) Reduction in I/O bandwidth requirements
3) Faster full table scans
4) Lower server memory usage.

You can enable compression on a table by specifying the “compress for” clause of a create table statement.

eg: create table emp (emp_id number, first_name varchar2(128), last_name varchar2(128) ) compress for all operations.

Oracle enables compression by storing a symbol table of the repeating column values in a block and then, references are stored in the rows to point to the entry in the symbol table.

Oracle compresses a block in batch mode, rather than compressing data every single time a write operation takes place. All inserts into a newly initialized block are uncompressed (So there is no difference here, while insert’s are taking place into this block). When a transaction causes the data in the block to reach the pctfree limit (The algorithm that decides when to re-compress the block, considers various factors, where pctfree is only one of the factors), the contents of the block gets compressed (Note that this is the only transaction that incurs the overhead for compression). Therefore a majority of OLTP transactions on compressed blocks will have exactly the same performance as they would with uncompressed blocks.

The compression ratio that you are going to get varies with the contents of the table. So you should use the compression advisor to determine how much storage you are going to save by using advanced compression on the table.

You can download the compression advisor from http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/compression/download.html. You can install it by logging in as SYS to the database and running dbmscomp.sql and prvtcomp.plb.

The compression advisor can be invoked by using a command similar to the one below.

SQL>  exec DBMS_COMPRESSION.getratio(‘SH’,’SALES’,10);

Sampling table: SH.SALES
Sampling percentage: 10%
Expected Compression ratio with Advanced Compression Option: 2.96

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


MOS Master Note for OLTP compression.

Grid control New features – Part III

Real-time Sql monitoring is a really exciting new feature that was introduced in oracle database 11gR1. This feature allows you to monitor the performance of sql statements as they are executing. Sql monitoring is automatically started if a sql statement is executing in parallel, or if the sql statement has spend more than 5 seconds of CPU or I/O time during a single execution. Details for this feature can be found in the 11g Performance Tuning guide.

You can run the report from sqlplus (And spool the html output to an o/s file) as follows

sqlplus / as sysdba

set long 1000000000
set pages 0

spool sqlmon.html

type=>’HTML’) as report
from dual;

spool off

A sample output can be seen here.

Grid control,exposes this functionality from the management console (Until now you could access this from 11g database control or using the API DBMS_SQLTUNE.REPORT_SQL_MONITOR). You can access this by navigating to Targets -> Databases -> Choose your 11g database -> Performance. You can then click on “SQL monitoring” to monitor your sql statements that are currently executing.

This screen gets refreshed every 10 seconds, and it shows the SQL Id, The total execution time up till now, Degree of parallelism in use, The database time, Total I/O count, Start Time (If the sql has completed, the End Time) and the actual sql statement.

You can click on Status to further drill down into the sql statement.

The overview section shows the Duration, Database Time, IO count and buffer gets done by the sql (And the screen refreshes every 10 seconds, showing you the progress.)

The details section has 3 different views . Plan statistics that shows you the execution plan , and time spend, in different steps in the execution plan.

The parallel view, gives you further drill down into each parallel server and shows the Db time, Wait Activity%, IO count and Buffer gets by each parallel server.

The activity view , gives you the color coded activity breakdown within the session CPU, and other wait events.

You can also get to the real-time sql monitoring screen by identifying a sqlid and drilling down into the sql id. Then there is a tab named “sql monitoring” , which gives you this same information.

Really neat, dont you think ?

Grid control new features – Part II

Two more new features from enterprise manager, grid control.

Fine-grained, target privileges

When you create an administrator in Grid control, to whom you are granting operator privileges, you can now further control what activities they are able to perform.

You can choose from granting them

Blackout target

Manage target metrics

Configure target

Manage target alerts

Clone database from existing backup

Prior to grid control, your only two options, to clone a database using the provisioning pack, were to 1) do a hotclone from an existing database 2) use an existing backup from a previous clone.

Now in grid control, to clone a database, you can  choose to use an existing database backup. You can choose to clone from a existing database, and in the Source Type screen, you can choose “An Existing database backup”.

Rac how to determine interconnect speed

During a Recent  Oracle 11g Rac installation on Solaris, i ran into  the following issue. After installing and configuring oracle clusterware, when we were trying to create the ASM instance, the ASM instance would only stay alive on one node of the cluster. The customer had configured the private interconnect to be a 100 base T connection (As opposed to GiGE). Once the customer re-configured the interconnect to be a GiGE, the ASM instance came up properly. Oracle recommends that you have a GiGE connection for your private interconnect.

Before starting your installation you can check if the interface you are using for the private interconnect, is configured to be a GIGE connection.

On Redhat or Oracle Enterprise Linux

Install the rpm ethtool

ethtool <interfacename> | grep Speed ,will give you the speed of the interface

On Solaris

kstat <interfacename> | grep link_speed  ,will give you the speed of the interface

Grid control new features – Part I

There are numerous new features in grid control In this post I will be exploring  2 of them.

Improvements in Monitoring Templates.

In when you create and apply templates, you can control how the metrics on the target are being modified. You have two options

1) Template will completely replace all metric settings in the target

2) Template will only override metrics that are common to both the template and the target.

If you choose option 1, all the metrics on the target other than the one’s specified in the template will be removed, and the ones specified in the template will be updated, with the thresholds set in the template.

If you choose option 2, it will only modify the metrics that are specified in the template.

Improvements in Alert Handling

In,  when you are checking the details regarding an alert you get  1 new option. You get a button that lets you re-evaluate the metric. So if the condition that triggered the alert has cleared, then the alert can be cleared.

Also another improvement is that the “acknowledge” function is now present as a button (Previously it was a URL at the bottom of the page).