Grid control agent secure

I recently had some trouble installing and configuring grid control. I was installing grid control using a pre-existing database. I somehow messed up something in the automated response files and for the life of me i could not figure out the password to use for securing the agent (It was definitely not using the passwords i had thought, i used in the response file).

The security best practice is to leave the management server secured. The procedure below is just adhoc, so that you can unsecure and continue working and later reset your password.

So i had to do the following to unsecure the management server.

First figure out if the OMS is secured.

./emctl status oms -secure

If the output of the command shows HTTPS, then you know that the oms is secured .

In order to fix the agent

First stop the agent

On the Oracle Management server

cd <OMS_ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/bin
./opmnctl stopall
./emctl secure unlock
cd <OMS_ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/bin
./opmnctl startall

Once this is done you can unsecure the agent

cd <AGENT_HOME>/bin
./emctl stop agent
./emctl unsecure agent
./emctl start agent

For further information (and to understand how to secure the OMS) please refer the following metalink notes.

How To Secure / Unsecure The Grid Control Components (Agent / OMS) In 10g
Problem: Agent Upload Fails: OMS VERSION NOT CHECKED YET

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