Sql to extract awr data for analysis

Awr captures a wealth of database performance statistics and metrics. Enterprise manager is usually the preferred tool to interpret and analyze this data. However lot of times i resort to using sql statements to graph and look for trends in the awr data. Below are some of the sql’s that i use (Tested only in 11gr2) to extract this information. Please keep in mind that you need the “Database tuning pack” license to access the dba_hist views.

The full script can be downloaded here.

Awr Snapshot info by DbId, by Day

select d.dbid,d.db_name,to_char(s.begin_interval_time,'DD-MON-RR') begintime,min(s.snap_id) minsnap,max(s.snap_id)  maxsnap
              from dba_hist_snapshot s,dba_hist_database_instance d where s.instance_number = 1
              and s.instance_number = d.instance_number and s.dbid = d.dbid
              group by d.dbid,d.db_name,to_char(s.begin_interval_time,'DD-MON-RR') order by 1

------------------- ----- -------------------- --------- ---------
	  220594996 QAD   16-NOV-11		    5205      5217
	  220594996 QAD   17-NOV-11		    5218      5220
	 2085202933 RK01  15-MAY-12		       3	 4

Database version and platform

select distinct version,platform_name from dba_hist_database_instance where dbid=&dbid

----------------- ---------------------------        Linux x86 64-bit

Cpu’s/Sockets/Cores/Load Average

select * from (
                  select  stat_name,value
                  from  dba_hist_osstat
                  where dbid = &dbid
                  and instance_number = 1
                  and snap_id = &esnap
                  pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ('NUM_CPUS','NUM_CPU_SOCKETS','NUM_CPU_CORES','PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES','LOAD'))

---------- ----------------- --------------- ----------------------- ----------
        24                 2              12              1.0122E+11 .209960938

O/S Cpu Usage

to_char(begintime,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') begintime,
to_char(endtime,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') endtime,
round((utdiff/(utdiff+itdiff+stdiff+iowtdiff+ntdiff))*100)  utpct,
round((ntdiff/(utdiff+itdiff+stdiff+iowtdiff+ntdiff))*100)  ntpct,
round((stdiff/(utdiff+itdiff+stdiff+iowtdiff+ntdiff))*100)  stpct,
round((iowtdiff/(utdiff+itdiff+stdiff+iowtdiff+ntdiff))*100)  iowtpct,
)) itpct
select begintime,endtime,(extract(Minute from endtime-begintime)*60+extract(Second from endtime-begintime)) secs,
ut-(nvl(lag(ut) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0)) utdiff,
bt-(nvl(lag(bt) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0)) btdiff,
it-(nvl(lag(it) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0)) itdiff,
st-(nvl(lag(st) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0)) stdiff,
iowt-(nvl(lag(iowt) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0)) iowtdiff,
nt-(nvl(lag(nt) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0)) ntdiff,
vin-(nvl(lag(vin) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0)) vindiff,
vout-(nvl(lag(vout) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0)) voutdiff
select sn.begin_interval_time begintime,
     sn.end_interval_time EndTime,oss.snap_id SnapId,oss.instance_number Inst,
     sum(decode(oss.stat_name,'USER_TIME',value,0)) ut,
     sum(decode(oss.stat_name,'BUSY_TIME',value,0)) bt,
     sum(decode(oss.stat_name,'IDLE_TIME',value,0)) it,
     sum(decode(oss.stat_name,'SYS_TIME',value,0)) st,
     sum(decode(oss.stat_name,'IOWAIT_TIME',value,0)) iowt,
     sum(decode(oss.stat_name,'NICE_TIME',value,0)) nt,
     sum(decode(oss.stat_name,'VM_IN_BYTES',value,0)) vin,
     sum(decode(oss.stat_name,'VM_OUT_BYTES',value,0)) vout
from dba_hist_osstat oss,dba_hist_snapshot sn
where oss.dbid=&dbid
and   oss.dbid = sn.dbid
and   oss.instance_number =  sn.instance_number
and   oss.snap_id = sn.snap_id
and   oss.snap_id between &bsnap - 1 and &esnap
and   oss.stat_name in (
group by sn.begin_interval_time,sn.end_interval_time,oss.snap_id,oss.instance_number
order by oss.instance_number,oss.snap_id
where snapid between &bsnap and &esnap
order by inst,snapid

-------------------- -------------------- --- ---------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
16-NOV-11 21:00:12   16-NOV-11 21:20:16     1       5209   1.00    .00    .00     .00  99.00
16-NOV-11 21:20:16   16-NOV-11 21:40:12     1       5210   4.00    .00   1.00     .00  95.00
16-NOV-11 21:40:12   16-NOV-11 22:00:03     1       5211  31.00    .00   2.00     .00  67.00
16-NOV-11 22:00:03   16-NOV-11 22:20:05     1       5212  58.00    .00   2.00     .00  40.00

Elapsed Time/DB Time/Concurrent Active Users

to_char(begintime,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') begintime,
to_char(endtime,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') endtime,
round(dbtdiff/(1000000*60),2) dbt,
round(secs/60) mins,
round(dbtdiff/(1000000*60*round(secs/60))) concactive
select begintime,endtime,(extract(Minute from endtime-begintime)*60+extract(Second from endtime-begintime)) secs,
dbt-(nvl(lag(dbt) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0)) dbtdiff
select sn.begin_interval_time begintime,
     sn.end_interval_time EndTime,tm.snap_id SnapId,tm.instance_number Inst,
     sum(decode(tm.stat_name,'DB time',value,0)) dbt
from dba_hist_sys_time_model tm,dba_hist_snapshot sn
where tm.dbid=&dbid
and   tm.dbid = sn.dbid
and   tm.instance_number =  sn.instance_number
and   tm.snap_id = sn.snap_id
and   tm.snap_id between &bsnap - 1 and &esnap
and   tm.stat_name in (
'DB time'
group by sn.begin_interval_time,sn.end_interval_time,tm.snap_id,tm.instance_number
order by tm.instance_number,tm.snap_id
where snapid between &bsnap and &esnap
order by inst,snapid

BEGINTIME            ENDTIME               in     SNAPID       DBT    MINS CONCACTIVE
-------------------- -------------------- --- ---------- --------- ------- ----------
16-NOV-11 21:00:12   16-NOV-11 21:20:16     1       5209         1      20          0
16-NOV-11 21:20:16   16-NOV-11 21:40:12     1       5210       319      20         16
16-NOV-11 21:40:12   16-NOV-11 22:00:03     1       5211       657      20         33
16-NOV-11 22:00:03   16-NOV-11 22:20:05     1       5212       972      20         49
16-NOV-11 22:20:05   16-NOV-11 22:40:06     1       5213       457      20         23
16-NOV-11 22:40:06   16-NOV-11 23:00:08     1       5214       736      20         37
16-NOV-11 23:00:08   16-NOV-11 23:20:25     1       5215         3      20          0

Top 5 Foreground Waits

The percentages i get here, do not seem to match up exactly, with the percentages you get, when you run awrrpt.sql, to generate the corresponding awr report. However it always seems to be within + or – 3% of the awrrpt.sql value. I think that the variation is because of the way that the awrrpt.sql might be rounding values, and probably how it accouts for Idle events.


with se as (
     select sn.begin_interval_time begintime,
        sn.end_interval_time EndTime,se.snap_id SnapId,se.instance_number Inst,
        se.event_name stat,se.time_waited_micro_fg value,
        nvl(lag(se.time_waited_micro_fg) over(partition by se.instance_number,se.event_name
        order by se.instance_number,se.snap_id,se.event_name),0) prevval,
        nvl(lag(se.time_waited_micro_fg) over(partition by se.instance_number,se.event_name
        order by se.instance_number,se.snap_id,se.event_name),0) valuediff
     from dba_hist_system_event se,dba_hist_snapshot sn
     where se.dbid=&dbid
     and   se.dbid = sn.dbid
     and   se.instance_number =  sn.instance_number
     and   se.snap_id = sn.snap_id
     and   se.snap_id between &bsnap-1 and &esnap
     and   se.wait_class != 'Idle'
     order by se.snap_id,se.instance_number,se.event_name
     ) ,
     sdbcpu as (
         select sn.begin_interval_time begintime,sn.end_interval_time EndTime,
         stm.snap_id snapid,stm.instance_number inst,stm.stat_name stat
         ,stm.value value
         ,nvl(lag(stm.value) over(partition by stm.instance_number order by stm.instance_number,stm.snap_id),0) prevval
         nvl(lag(stm.value) over(partition by stm.instance_number order by stm.instance_number,stm.snap_id),0) valuediff
         from dba_hist_sys_time_model stm,dba_hist_snapshot sn
         stm.stat_name = ('DB CPU')
         and stm.dbid = &dbid
         and stm.snap_id between  &bsnap-1 and &esnap
         and stm.dbid = sn.dbid
         and stm.instance_number = sn.instance_number
         and stm.snap_id = sn.snap_id
         order by stm.snap_id,stm.instance_number
     ) ,
     sunion as (
         select begintime,endtime,snapid,inst,stat,valuediff from se
         union all
         select begintime,endtime,snapid,inst,stat,valuediff from sdbcpu
         order by 3,4
     spct as (
     select begintime,endtime,snapid,inst,stat,valuediff,
     round(ratio_to_report(valuediff) over (partition by snapid,inst),4) as pct
     from sunion
     order by 3,4 asc,7  desc
     select * from (
     select to_char(begintime,'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS') begintime
     ,to_char(endtime,'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS') endtime,snapid,inst,stat,valuediff,round(pct*100,2) pct,
     row_number() over (partition by snapid,inst order by snapid,inst asc,pct desc) as rnum
     from spct
     where rnum < 6 and snapid between &bsnap and &esnap

BEGINTIME            ENDTIME                  SNAPID  in STAT                               VALUEDIFF    PCT
-------------------- -------------------- ---------- --- ------------------------------ ------------- ------
16-NOV-11 21:00:12   16-NOV-11 21:20:16         5209   1 DB CPU                              28856557  83.24
16-NOV-11 21:00:12   16-NOV-11 21:20:16         5209   1 name-service call wait               2073440   5.98
16-NOV-11 21:00:12   16-NOV-11 21:20:16         5209   1 control file sequential read          843201   2.43
16-NOV-11 21:00:12   16-NOV-11 21:20:16         5209   1 enq: PS - contention                  634127   1.83
16-NOV-11 21:00:12   16-NOV-11 21:20:16         5209   1 undo segment extension                423219   1.22
16-NOV-11 21:00:12   16-NOV-11 21:20:16         5209   2 DB CPU                              34408715  89.73
16-NOV-11 21:00:12   16-NOV-11 21:20:16         5209   2 enq: PS - contention                  852207   2.22
16-NOV-11 21:00:12   16-NOV-11 21:20:16         5209   2 reliable message                      351905    .92
16-NOV-11 21:00:12   16-NOV-11 21:20:16         5209   2 control file sequential read          323355    .84
16-NOV-11 21:00:12   16-NOV-11 21:20:16         5209   2 row cache lock                        286882    .75

Physical and Logical I/O

select to_char(begintime,'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI') begintime,to_char(endtime,'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI') endtime
,(extract(Minute from endtime-begintime)*60+extract(Second from endtime-begintime)) secs,
prd-nvl(lag(prd) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0) prddiff,
pwrt-nvl(lag(pwrt) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0) pwrtdiff,
iordreq-nvl(lag(iordreq) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0) iorddiff,
iowrtreq-nvl(lag(iowrtreq) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0) iowrtdiff,
prmbr-nvl(lag(prmbr) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0) prmbrdiff,
cgets-nvl(lag(cgets) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0) cgetsdiff,
dbgets-nvl(lag(dbgets) over (partition by inst order by inst,snapid),0) dbgetsdiff
select sn.begin_interval_time begintime,
     sn.end_interval_time EndTime,ss.snap_id SnapId,ss.instance_number Inst,
     sum(decode(ss.stat_name,'physical read total bytes',value,0)) prd,
     sum(decode(ss.stat_name,'physical write total bytes',value,0)) pwrt,
     sum(decode(ss.stat_name,'physical read total IO requests',value,0)) iordreq,
     sum(decode(ss.stat_name,'physical write total IO requests',value,0)) iowrtreq,
     sum(decode(ss.stat_name,'physical read total multi block requests',value,0)) prmbr,
     sum(decode(ss.stat_name,'consistent gets',value,0)) cgets,
     sum(decode(ss.stat_name,'db block gets',value,0)) dbgets
from dba_hist_sysstat ss,dba_hist_snapshot sn
where ss.dbid=&dbid
and   ss.dbid = sn.dbid
and   ss.instance_number =  sn.instance_number
and   ss.snap_id = sn.snap_id
and   ss.snap_id between &bsnap-1 and &esnap
and   ss.stat_name in (
'physical read total bytes',
'physical write total bytes',
'physical read total IO requests',
'physical write total IO requests',
'physical read total multi block requests',
'consistent gets',
'db block gets'
group by sn.begin_interval_time,sn.end_interval_time,ss.snap_id,ss.instance_number
order by ss.instance_number,ss.snap_id
where snapid between &bsnap and &esnap
order by 4,5

BEGINTIME            ENDTIME                    SECS     SNAPID  in          PRDDIFF         PWRTDIFF         IORDDIFF        IOWRTDIFF        PRMBRDIFF        CGETSDIFF       DBGETSDIFF
-------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
16-NOV-11 20:40      16-NOV-11 21:00        1210.766       5208   1     309967486976     544388304896         17660147         36335142          1139579       4468788730       2328671039
16-NOV-11 20:40      16-NOV-11 21:00        1210.782       5208   2     165472269312     510302864896         16065810         34894618           144948       4168326257       2064355182
16-NOV-11 20:42      16-NOV-11 21:00        1079.081       5208   3       3122675712        153791488            56249             6006            10713          1307859            60272
16-NOV-11 20:43      16-NOV-11 21:00        1028.123       5208   4       1318486016         59018752            26009             5436             7229          1199275            56027

Top 10 sql statements By Elapsed Time

select * from (
select ss.snap_id snapid,ss.instance_number inst,ss.sql_id  sqlid
       ,round(sum(ss.elapsed_time_delta)) elapsed
       ,nvl(round(sum(ss.executions_delta)),1) execs
       ,round(sum(ss.buffer_gets_delta)) gets
       ,round(sum(ss.rows_processed_delta)) rowsp
       ,round(sum(ss.disk_reads_delta)) reads
       ,dense_rank() over(partition by snap_id,instance_number order by sum(ss.elapsed_time_delta) desc) sql_rank
dba_hist_sqlstat ss
ss.dbid = &dbid  and
ss.snap_id between &bsnap and &esnap
group by ss.snap_id,ss.instance_number,ss.sql_id
where sql_rank < 11 and snapid between &bsnap and &esnap

   SNAPID  in SQLID                                ELAPSED      EXECS           GETS          ROWSP          READS   SQL_RANK
---------- --- ------------------------------ ------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ----------
      5209   1 1zr2ujm5sa5gc                        4547685          1         224434              1              0          1
      5209   1 3g2ugdp1af2h8                        4478848         13         221134             13              0          2
      5209   1 5k5v1ah25fb2c                        3965629         39         360232             39              0          3
      5209   1 0r1zf55mxaujd                        2959144          1         237437              1              0          4
      5209   1 8vwv6hx92ymmm                        2633353      51062         360669          51062              0          5
      5209   1 2w1s3wu1zw63a                        1958993          2         153110              4              0          6
      5209   1 f1y8kbhh6v9sv                        1709282          1                                                       7
      5209   1 6pw8uk8k0dv0q                        1699402          1                                                       8

Grid control New features – Part III

Real-time Sql monitoring is a really exciting new feature that was introduced in oracle database 11gR1. This feature allows you to monitor the performance of sql statements as they are executing. Sql monitoring is automatically started if a sql statement is executing in parallel, or if the sql statement has spend more than 5 seconds of CPU or I/O time during a single execution. Details for this feature can be found in the 11g Performance Tuning guide.

You can run the report from sqlplus (And spool the html output to an o/s file) as follows

sqlplus / as sysdba

set long 1000000000
set pages 0

spool sqlmon.html

type=>’HTML’) as report
from dual;

spool off

A sample output can be seen here.

Grid control,exposes this functionality from the management console (Until now you could access this from 11g database control or using the API DBMS_SQLTUNE.REPORT_SQL_MONITOR). You can access this by navigating to Targets -> Databases -> Choose your 11g database -> Performance. You can then click on “SQL monitoring” to monitor your sql statements that are currently executing.

This screen gets refreshed every 10 seconds, and it shows the SQL Id, The total execution time up till now, Degree of parallelism in use, The database time, Total I/O count, Start Time (If the sql has completed, the End Time) and the actual sql statement.

You can click on Status to further drill down into the sql statement.

The overview section shows the Duration, Database Time, IO count and buffer gets done by the sql (And the screen refreshes every 10 seconds, showing you the progress.)

The details section has 3 different views . Plan statistics that shows you the execution plan , and time spend, in different steps in the execution plan.

The parallel view, gives you further drill down into each parallel server and shows the Db time, Wait Activity%, IO count and Buffer gets by each parallel server.

The activity view , gives you the color coded activity breakdown within the session CPU, and other wait events.

You can also get to the real-time sql monitoring screen by identifying a sqlid and drilling down into the sql id. Then there is a tab named “sql monitoring” , which gives you this same information.

Really neat, dont you think ?