Installing postgres 15 client on Amazon Linux 2023

In order to install the postgres 15 client on Amazon Linux 2023, you can do the following.

First check the available packages

sudo dnf search postgres

You will see in the output, a list of postgres packages, that are available to install.. In order to install the client tools, install the postgresql15 package

sudo dnf install postgresql15

Once the package is installed you have access to psql, pg_dump etc.

Installing the postgres 15.x client on Amazon Linux 2

If you are using a Amazon Linux 2 based Ec2 instance, to install and run postgresql tools like psql and pg_dump, today the highest versions of postgres tools available from the repository is postgres 14. You can check the currently available versions using the following command

amazon-linux-extras | grep -i postgre

amazon-linux-extras | grep -i postgre
  6  postgresql10             available    [ =10  =stable ]
 41  postgresql11             available    [ =11  =stable ]
 58  postgresql12             available    [ =stable ]
 59  postgresql13             available    [ =stable ]
 63  postgresql14             available    [ =stable ]

This command will list versions postgres 10 through 14.

You can enable the Redhat repositories for postgres on your amazon linux 2 host, and install the postgres 15.x client from those repositories. The steps are as follows.

  • Upgrade to the latest version of amazon linux 2 (Optional)
  • If you already have a postgres package installed consider removing it.
  • Enable the postgres repo for redhat linux
    • sudo yum makecache
    • sudo yum repolist (ensure that pgdg15 shows as a repository)
    • sudo yum install libzstd
    • sudo yum –disablerepo=”*” –enablerepo=”pgdg15″ install postgresql15-15.3-1PGDG.rhel7 (To get postgres 15.3)

Now you should have 15.3 versions of psql and pg_dump etc