Installing Ruby 1.9.2 And Rails 3.1.1 with Oracle on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric

Here are the steps to install and configure Ruby on rails with oracle on 32 bit Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric.

First install the pacakges needed by oracle

sudo apt-get install x11-utils rpm ksh lsb-rpm libaio1
sudo ln -s /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys /usr/include/sys

Download the oracle instant client

Download the following .zip files from the oracle instant client download site.

Install the oracle InstantClient

Create a directory /u01/11gr2

cd /u01/11gr2

unzip the above 3 .zip files into this directory

You will have a new subdirectory named instantclient_11_2

Create a softlink to

cd /u01/11gr2/instantclient_11_2
ln -s


Setup the Oracle environment

Add the following to your .bashrc file (And source the file, . ./.bashrc)

export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/11gr2/instantclient_11_2


Create the tnsnames.ora file in /u01/11gr2/instantclient_11_2

Add service name entry for your oracle database  to the tnsnames.ora

RK01 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = burl5vb1)(PORT = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = rk01)


Install Ruby 1.9.2

sudo apt-get install curl
sudo apt-get install git-core

git config --global "YourNameHere"
git config --global user.emailbash YourEmailHere

bash << (curl -s

sudo apt-get install build-essential bison openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev sqlite3libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev ncurses-dev

rvm install 1.9.2
rvm --default use 1.9.2

Install Rails 3.1.1

gem install rails

Installing and using the oracle driver.

You can include the download and install of the oracle-advanced driver and the oci8 driver in the Gemfile for your application.

So that when you do the bundle install, it will install those gems for you.

Example shown below.

rails new testora
cd testora


Add the following lines to your Gemfile (In the application base directory)

gem 'activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter', :git => 'git://'
gem 'ruby-oci8', '~> 2.0.6'

Save and quit from Gemfile

Run the following command to install all the gems you need for the application

bundle install

Remove all the other entroes and add the database connection entry to your database.yml file (Under testora/config).

  adapter: oracle_enhanced
  database: rk01
  username: scott
  password: tiger

Create your application and run it

rails generate scaffold purchase name:string cost:float
rake db:migrate
rails server

You can access the application from the following URL.


Now you should be able to run your application.

11gR2 rac installation on 64 bit Linux step by step

Yesterday i completed a 11g Release 2 real application clusters installation on 64 bit Oracle Enterprise Linux 4. The installation process is very similar to the 10g and 11gr1 installations, but much simpler. This was a two node cluster. There are some new concepts that are introduced in 11gR2 real application clusters. Below are some of my notes on 11gr2 new features for Rac and detailed steps that i followed to complete the installation.

Some new concepts in 11gR2 Rac

Oracle clusterware and ASM now are installed into the Same Oracle Home, and is now called the grid infrastructure install.

Raw devices are no longer supported for use for anything (Read oracle cluster registry, voting disk, asm disks), for new installs.

OCR and Voting disk can now be stored in ASM, or a certified cluster file system.

The redundancy level of your ASM diskgroup (That you choose to place voting disk on) determines the number of voting disks you can have.
You can place

  • Only One voting disk on an ASM diskgroup configured as external redundancy
  • Only Three voting disks on an ASM diskgroup configured as normal redundancy
  • Only Five voting disks on an ASM diskgroup configured as high redundancy

The contents of the voting disks are automatically backed up into the OCR

ACFS (Asm cluster file system) is only supported on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (And RHEL5), not on OEL4.

There is a new service called cluster time synchronization service that can keep the clocks on all the servers in the cluster synchronized (In case you dont have network time protocol (ntp) configured)

Single Client Access Name (SCAN), is a hostname in the DNS server that will resolve to 3 (or at least one) ip addresses in your public network. This hostname is to be used by client applications to connect to the database (As opposed to the vip hostnames you were using in 10g and 11gr1). SCAN provides location independence to the client connections connecting to the database. SCAN makes node additions and removals transparent to the client application (meaning you dont have to edit your tnsnames.ora entries every time you add or remove a node from the cluster).

Oracle Grid Naming Service (GNS), provides a mechanism to make the allocation and removal of VIP addresses a dynamic process (Using dynamic Ip addresses).

Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) integration, provides a new mechanism to fence server’s in the cluster, when the server is not responding.

The installer can now check the O/S requirements, report on the requirements that are not met, and give you fixup scripts to fix some of them (like setting kernel parameters).

The installer can also help you setup SSH between the cluster nodes.

There is a new deinstall utility that cleans up a existing or failed install.

And the list goes on an on.

I have broken up the installation process into 3 distinct documents, which can be found below

Installing 11gr2 grid infrastructure

Installing 11gr2 Real Application Clusters

Creating the 11gr2 Clustered database

Rac Starter Kit

Oracle has for a while had a rac assurance team (A team within oracle support, in the HA/Rac support team) that engages proactively with new rac customers. The Rac Assurance team used to provide the new customers with a “starter kit” of documents that  include

  1. A Rac best practices document
  2. A Step by Step installation guide
  3. Recommended patches
  4. A test plan.

If the customer follows these best practices, it sets them up with a solid foundation to be successful with their new  Rac implementation.

Now these test kits are public, you can access them by accessing metlink note 810394.1

You can also log a tar in metalink and ask support for the “Rac Starter Kit”, and they will give you the platform specific starter kit that includes the list of recommended patches.

11g Rac Installation Checklists

In my numerous engagements with customers, assisting them with Oracle Rac installations, i have found that providing the customer with a checklist of tasks to be performed before the installation, and reviewing it with their Database/Server/Storage/Network  Administrator’s  help in a smooth RAC installation.The checklist only lists the tasks, but does not go into step by step details regarding how to perform the task. For the details, i then point them to the Oracle Installation and Configuration Guides (Links to which can be found in the checklist itself) and relavent metalink notes.

Below are links to the checklists that I use for 11g Installations on Linux and Solaris. All pointers to errors and improvements are welcome.

Oracle Real Application Clusters, 11g Installation Checklist for Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 and Oracle Enterprise Linux 5

Oracle Real Application Clusters, 11g Installation Checklist for Solaris

Installing Ruby and Rails 2 on Ubuntu Lucid running Oracle 11g

Updated this post from Ubuntu Jaunty to Lucid.

Unless you have been living on one of the planets orbiting alpha centauri (or if you have nothing to do with computers, in which case you would not be reading this post), you must have heard of ruby on rails.

Below are the steps i went through to get ruby and rails installed and configured on a Ubuntu Jaunty (10.04) system.

Make sure that you have installed Oracle 11g or the Oracle 11g instant client on the Ubuntu server, before you start.

Get the ruby packages for ubuntu

sudo apt-get install ruby  ruby-dev  libopenssl-ruby1.8 irb ri rdoc

sudo apt-get install sqlite3

sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-ruby libsqlite3-dev

Download, Install setup Gems

cd rubygems-1.3.6
sudo ruby setup.rb

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/local/bin/gem

Install Rails 2

sudo gem install rails

Download and install the ruby interface for oracle

Download ruby-oci8 from

tar -xzvf ruby-oci8-2.0.4.tar.gz

cd ruby-oci8-2.0.4/


sudo make install

Get the Enhanced ActiveRecord adapter for oracle


sudo gem install activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter-1.2.2.gem

You are all set to write and test your first ruby program using the rails framework .

Please see my followup post on writing a simple rails program with 11g