Oracle Exadata Statistics in AWR report – Part 2 (Outliers)

This blog post is a continuation of the previous blog post titled , Oracle Exadata Statistics in AWR report – Part 1 (Basics). In this post we continue on to describe the performance details displayed in the section “Exadata Outlier Summary”.

Outlier Summary Cell Level


This section displays cells that have performance outliers. The Awr Views DBA_HIST_CELL_DISK_SUMMARY, and DBA_HIST_CELL_GLOBAL_SUMMARY contains samples for each cell, disk and flash card.
The individual sample values, the number of samples, the average, the square of the value are all stored. Using this data the mean and the standard deviation are calculated and the range is defined as the average + or – standard deviation. Cells that have values that are above the mean + standard deviation are displayed.

This section will help us identify cells that have performance metrics, which are outside of the standard operating norms of that cell.

Outlier Summary – Disk Level


This section displays Disks that have performance outliers. The Awr Views DBA_HIST_CELL_DISK_SUMMARY contains this info.The individual sample values, the number of samples, the average, the square of the value are all stored. Using this data the mean and the standard deviation are calculated and the range is defined as the average + or – standard deviation. Disks that have values that are above the mean + standard deviation are displayed.

This section will help us identify Disks (Flash or Hard disk) that have performance metrics, which are outside of the standard operating norms of that Disk.

Exadata OS IO Statistics – Outlier Cells


This section displays cells that have IO statistics that are outliers. Per Cells averages, Per Disk Mean, Standard Deviation, Range’s of the IOPS and IO MBPS information is displayed. Averages exceeding the maximum stated capacity of the disk or cell are shown in Dark red.

This section helps identify whether there are cells or disks that exceed their stated capacities.

Exadata OS IO Statistics – Outlier Disks


This section displays disks (Flash and Hard disk) that have IO statistics that are outliers. Per Disk Mean, Standard Deviation, Range’s of the IOPS, IO MBPS and Disk utilization percentage information is displayed. Averages exceeding the Normal Ranges are shown in Dark red.

This section helps identify whether there are disks that are outside of the standard operating norms of that disk.

Exadata OS IO Latency – Outlier Cells

This section displays cells (Flash and Hard disk) that have IO latencies that are outliers.
Aggregated Across all cells, the Mean, Standard Deviation, Range’s of Average Serice times and Average Wait Times are displayed.
If there are cells Averages that exceed the Normal Range, they are displayed as outliers.

This section helps us identify whether there are cells that have I/O latencies that are outside of the standard operating norms for cells in this system.

Exadata OS IO Latency – Outlier Disks

This section displays disks (Flash and Hard disk) that have IO latencies that are outliers.
Aggregated Across all cells, the Mean, Standard Deviation, Range’s of Average Serice times and Average Wait Times are displayed.
If there are disks whose Averages that exceed the Normal Range of the cells, they are displayed as outliers.

This section helps us identify whether there are disks that have I/O latencies that are outside of the standard operating norms for disks in this system.
Exadata OS CPU Statistics – Outlier Cells

This section displays cells that have Cpu utilization that are outliers.
Aggregated Across all cells, the Mean, Standard Deviation, Range’s of Cpu utilization is displayed.
If there are cells whose Average Cpu utilization that exceed the Normal Cpu utilization Range of the cells, they are displayed as outliers.

Oracle Exadata Statistics in AWR report – Part 1 (Basic Info)

Starting with Exadata storage server , used in combination with Oracle Database release, there are new sections which have been added to the Oracle AWR (Automatic Worload repository) report, that displays statistics at the Exadata storage level.

This is a really valuable enhancement, which helps with drilling down from database level statistics to cell level statistics, to identify and analyze the workload profile.
You can click on the URL’s in the section “Exadata Configuration and Statistics” to access this part of the report.

There are a few AWR history tables that store this information.


The description of these views can be found in the Exadata Storage Server Users Guide.

The section starts off by showing the cell configuration information. Then it displays the Kernel  and the Cell Image version’s.


This information comes from the awr view DBA_HIST_CELL_DISK_SUMMARY.

The next section titled “Exadata Storage Information” storage information shows the number of disks and flash cards in each cell and the entire rack.

The first row of the output shows the amount of flash cache in each cell, The size of the smart flash log, Number of hard disks in a cell, Number of flash cards in each cell, and the number of Grid Disks in each cell.
The second row shows the above columns aggregated for all cells in the rack.

The next section titled “Exadata Griddisks” shows the grid disk names, Number of Grid disks in each cell, the Grid Disk size and The type of Drive

The next section titled “Exadata Cell Disks” shows the Disk type, Size of the cell disk, Number of disks .

The next section “ASM disksgroups” shows the diskgroups used by this database.

It shows the diskgroup name,Total size of the diskgroup,Used space, Number of disks in the diskgroup and the redundancy type.

This is followed by a section “Exadata Server Health Report”, which has 3 sub sections Exadata Alerts Summary,Exadata Alerts Detail,Exadata Non-Online Disks which displays information regarding alerts on the cells and any offline disks.
The remaining sections of Exadata performance statistics in the AWR report, display a great deal of Exadata cell performance numbers.

Before we venture much into those sections, it is important to understand some cell level concepts and how they are captured in Awr.

At the cell level if you list the following attributes (On a x5-2 cell with HD drives)

list cell attributes maxpdiops,maxpdmbps,maxfdiops,maxfdmbps you get the following values

167 111 8929 343

These values are collected and stored in the confval column in DBA_HIST_CELL_CONFIG_DETAIL in an XML format.

These base values are used to calculate the maximum capacities of the cells and disks in the sections that follow.