Oracle Advanced Compression

Databases grow in sizes over time, there are many reasons for this. Some of them are
1) Detailed web usage (click tracking) capture, to be used for analytics.
2) User created content in web 2.0 applications
3) Rarely used (But needed) historical data that does not get purged (maybe for compliance).
4) Application consolidation.

This means that customers needs to procure and maintain large amounts of disk storage (Read Storage Array Networks, or Network attached storage). I am not a storage expert, but i am sure that the cost of procuring and maintaining highly performant, high end storage (cost per gb per year) is very high.

With the Oracle advanced compression option, customers can reduce the space used by oracle database tables. In oracle 9i oracle introduced the ability to compress data that is bulk loaded into the database (direct path loads and create table as select statements). In oracle 11g this was expanded to compressing all data that is loaded into oracle tables.

The benefits of compression are manyfold.
1) Reduction of disk space used for storage
2) Reduction in I/O bandwidth requirements
3) Faster full table scans
4) Lower server memory usage.

You can enable compression on a table by specifying the “compress for” clause of a create table statement.

eg: create table emp (emp_id number, first_name varchar2(128), last_name varchar2(128) ) compress for all operations.

Oracle enables compression by storing a symbol table of the repeating column values in a block and then, references are stored in the rows to point to the entry in the symbol table.

Oracle compresses a block in batch mode, rather than compressing data every single time a write operation takes place. All inserts into a newly initialized block are uncompressed (So there is no difference here, while insert’s are taking place into this block). When a transaction causes the data in the block to reach the pctfree limit (The algorithm that decides when to re-compress the block, considers various factors, where pctfree is only one of the factors), the contents of the block gets compressed (Note that this is the only transaction that incurs the overhead for compression). Therefore a majority of OLTP transactions on compressed blocks will have exactly the same performance as they would with uncompressed blocks.

The compression ratio that you are going to get varies with the contents of the table. So you should use the compression advisor to determine how much storage you are going to save by using advanced compression on the table.

You can download the compression advisor from You can install it by logging in as SYS to the database and running dbmscomp.sql and prvtcomp.plb.

The compression advisor can be invoked by using a command similar to the one below.

SQL>  exec DBMS_COMPRESSION.getratio(‘SH’,’SALES’,10);

Sampling table: SH.SALES
Sampling percentage: 10%
Expected Compression ratio with Advanced Compression Option: 2.96

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


MOS Master Note for OLTP compression.

Rac how to determine interconnect speed

During a Recent  Oracle 11g Rac installation on Solaris, i ran into  the following issue. After installing and configuring oracle clusterware, when we were trying to create the ASM instance, the ASM instance would only stay alive on one node of the cluster. The customer had configured the private interconnect to be a 100 base T connection (As opposed to GiGE). Once the customer re-configured the interconnect to be a GiGE, the ASM instance came up properly. Oracle recommends that you have a GiGE connection for your private interconnect.

Before starting your installation you can check if the interface you are using for the private interconnect, is configured to be a GIGE connection.

On Redhat or Oracle Enterprise Linux

Install the rpm ethtool

ethtool <interfacename> | grep Speed ,will give you the speed of the interface

On Solaris

kstat <interfacename> | grep link_speed  ,will give you the speed of the interface

ORA-00845 Memory_Target Not supported on this system

I was working on testing some 11g streams configurations today. I needed to startup 3 databases instances on the same server. I was using AMM (Automatic memory management). When i was trying to startup the 3rd database, i kept getting the error message “ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system”. I also had error messages in the alert log.

This is because, the space allocated for /dev/shm is not sufficient to allocate the SGA+PGA’s for all the 3 database instances (When using the initialization parameter memory_target). The space allocated needs to be >= the total SGA+PGA size of all the 3 instances together.

You can increase the space allocated using the command  “mount -t tmpfs shmfs -o size=2000m /dev/shm” ( I had 3 instances 600mb each SGA+PGA). You can persist this allocation across reboots by adding it to the /etc/fstab.

11g copy files from asm to cooked file system

If you were using 10g ASM, you had to use the dbms_file_transfer package to copy files from an asm disk group to a cooked file system and vica versa. 11g ASM makes this process simpler. In 11g, the asmcmd command now has a cp command that can copy ASM files to a cooked file system and files from a cooked file system back to ASM.

You can find the details and syntax for this cp comand  here.

Large SGA’s and ORA-2710 on Linux X86_64

Sometimes when you try to enable large SGA’s on X86_64 linux you might run into ora-2710 errors when starting up the database. This could be because of low value being set for the linux kernel parameter shmall.

You should set the value for shmall as follows.

– Total up the sizes for SGA’s for all the databases you are going to run on the machine
– run the linux command getconf PAGE_SIZE to get your linux page size
– Set shmall equal to the sum of all the SGA’s on the system, divided by the page size

Review metalink note 301830.1 for more info.

Using the ILM Assistant

ILMA Installation Guide

ILMA Users Guide

This is a followup post to my earlier Post on how to install Apex and the ILM assistant with 11g.

I know that the images are kind of shoddy because they have been resized. If you are a firefox user and want to see the image , just right click on it and choose “view image”. IE users do whatever it is you do to view images.

Configure ILM Assistant

The Ilm assistant can be accessed by pointing the browser to
Here the install guide says that you have to use the admin login.
This is incorrect (
Best is to create a separate database login to be used for the ILM assistant.

cd <directorywhereilmappwasunzipped>
sqlplus system/systempassword
create user ILM_DB_ADMIN identified by Admin
default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp
grant create session, advisor, alter any table,alter tablespace, drop any table,manage tablespace to ILM_DB_ADMIN
sqlplus sys/password as sysdba
@grant_privs ILM_DB_ADMIN

Now you can login to the ilm assistant using the username ILM_DB_ADMIN and password Admin.

If you have not install the ilma_demo do that now (The following example uses the tablespaces created by this script)
I also use the sales history sample schema in the following example.
Login as the SH schema and create a table sales 2 (create table sales2 as select * from sales). We will use this table in our example.
Delete all the rows in this table which has a time_id > 01-JUL-2008. (Delete from sales2 where time_id >= to_date(’01-JUL-2008′,’RR’))
Update all Time_Id’s in this table to increment them by 7 years (update sales2 set time_id = add_months(time_id,84))

Using the ILM Assistant

Here is a small example on how the ILM assistant can be used.

There are 3 main steps in configuring Information Lifecycle management for data stored in Oracle database tables.
1) Define Logical Storage Tiers
2) Define A Lifecycle and its stages
3) Associate a table to a Lifecycle

In the first step we are associating tablespaces created on different type of storage to a logical storage tier.
In the second step we provide the date range and other properties like compression and read-only to each stage in the lifecycle of the data.
In the thrid step we are associating lifecycles to each of the tables.

Then you can run simulations after which ILMA can provide you scripts to partition the tables

Defining Logical Storage Tiers


Click on “Logical Storage Tier”

Create a storage tier “High Performance” with the properties shown above. Choose ILMDEMO_5 as the read-write tablespace for this.

Create a second storage tier “Low cost” with the properties shown above. Choose ILMDEMO_9 as the read-write tablespace for this.

Create a storage tier “Online Archive” with the properties shown above. Choose ILMDEMO_7 as the read-only tablespace for this.

Define the Lifecycle

Create a new lifecycle “SH lifecycle” , Retaining details for 3 months, and using the “High Performance” storage

Create a lifecycle stage “Sh Last 2 Qrtrs”, Retaining details for 6 months and using “Low Cost” storage

Create a lifecycle End stage “Sh Older Data”, with the “Online Archive” storage tier.

Associate Lifecycles to Tables

Click on “Lifecycle Tables”
Show all tables

Click on “Candidate” in the “Lifecycle status” column for the tables “SALES2”

Choose “SH Lifecycle” as the lifecycle, Compression factor 1.2, Number of rows 800000000, average row length of 100 (Alternatively you can click on load table statistics so that oracle picks up this info from the table statistics). You can leave the date range as blank and oracle looks at the table and picks up the appropriate min and max values for the date range.

Once the simulation is complete you can click on “pReview Simulation” and see the results.

You can click on “Create a migration script” and ILM will generate you a sql script which can be used to partition the table “SALES2”.

Click to View Partitioning Script

Test Lifecycle Management

Shutdown the database
Change the system clock to move it ahead by about 4 months.
Then log back into the Ilm assistant.
Click on the “Scan for events” button.

The events are broken down into “Overdue Events”, “Todays Events” and “Upcoming Events”.
Since we moved the clock ahead there are a few “Overdue events”.

Under the “Overdue Events” -> “Move data” click on “14 Managed” (Your screen might be different).
You have a few Events for the SALES2 table, some to merge partitions and some to move partitions.

You can accept those changes and choose to “Implement accepted recommendations”.
ILMA will prompt you asking if you want a sql script or want to submit a job.

You can choose one of those options to implement your change.

Click to View Data Movement Script

So now you get the general Idea about how to use the ILM assistant

11g Automatic Memory Management

Automatic shared memory management and Automatic PGA memory management were features in 10g that enabled users to automate the memory allocation for various sub areas in the SGA and PGA.

Oracle introduced Automatic Memory Management in 11g. This now enables to manage total memory allocated to oracle (SGA+PGA) in an automated fashion. You allocate the total memory allocated to Oracle and the Oracle database dynamically exchanges memory between the SGA and the instance PGA as needed (Based on the workload). Oracle also tunes the sizes of individual SGA components and of the individual PGA’s.

Automatic memory management is supported on Linux,Solaris, Windows, HP-UX and AIX.

You can set memory_target to a value that will be a sum of the memory that you want to allocate fot the SGA and the PGA.
You can set memory_max_target to a value higher than memory_target so that you can increase the memory allocated for oracle if you desire.

You should then set the sga_target and pga_aggregate_target to 0, so that Automatic memory management can tune the space allocation,up or down, for PGA and SGA without any restrictions.

If you set a value for sga_target and pga_aggregate_target then they will be considered as minimum values for the SGA and PGA sizes. If you set a value for sga_target and not for pga_aggregate_target you will auto-tune both parameters. Pga_Aggregate_target is automatically initialized to be memory_target – sga_target.

If neither are set then they are auto tuned by allocating 60% to the SGA and 40% to the PGA.

Install Apex and ILM Assistant with 11g

I just installed the oracle Information lifecycle management assistant so that I could test it with 11g.

You first need to install Oracle Application Express (Apex) and then the Oracle ILM assistant.

When you create a database in 11g you can choose to install application express. In the process below, we skip that and install it manually after the database creation.
You have two options to use application express.

  • Use the oracle http server with mod_plsql
  • Use the Embedded Pl/Sql gateway. (From the 11g database)

In this example we use the Embedded Pl/Sql gateway. (This is an http server built into the oracle database)

Create a general purpose database with the 11g Dbca. (We assume that a database listener has been already created and is started up).

Download the apex 3.1.1 software from

Install Oracle application express 3.1.1

cd /apex/
sqlplus / as sysdba
alter user anonymous account unlock;

Setup The port for the Embedded pl/sql gateway

Check if the port is already setup



So xmlhttp is disabled.

Set the port for the http listener

SQL> exec dbms_xdb.sethttpport(8080);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.



Install oracle application express

sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> @apexins users users TEMP /i/

Set the password for the apex user “Admin”

@apxxepwd.sql admin

You can now login to application express as the admin user by accessing “use http://yourhostname:8080/apex/apex_admin” and start using Oracle Application Express.

Install the Oracle ILM assistant

Download the ilm assistant from
Download the ilm demo from

sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> alter user flows_030100 identified by flows_030100 account unlock;
SQL> @ilma_install flows_030100 users RK01
SQL> alter user flows_030100 identified by flows_030100 account lock;

You can now access Oracle ILM assistant using the following URL.


If you want to install the ILM demos then
first create the sh schema using sh_main from $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schemas/sales_history
cd to the directory where you unzipped the files from

sqlplus / as sysdba

You can then try out the examples at