Graph CPU usage on exadata using oswatcher files

On the oracle database machine, oswatcher is installed during setup time, both on the database nodes and the exadata cells. This utility collects linux operating system level statistics, which comes in very handy when troubleshooting operating system level issues. The data is collected in text files. There is a Java based utility (OSWG) provided by oracle support to graph the contents of these files, however that utility does not work on the oswatcher files generated on exadata.

Here is a python script that can graph the cpu used from the mpstat information that oswatcher captures. It has been tested on new oswatcher files on an x3-2. You need to first install a python environment that has the “numpy” and “matplotlib” modules installed.

Install a Python Virtualenv.

If you create multiple applications using Python and end up using different versions, it is easier to maintain different virtualenv’s. You can create a python virtualenv as shown below (On ubuntu linux).

curl -O
tar -xzvf virtualenv-1.9.1.tar.gz
cd virtualenv-1.9.1
python ../p273env2
. p273env2/bin/activate
pip install numpy
sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev
pip install matplotlib

Now that you have a python environment, with your required libraries, you can go ahead and execute the script as shown below.

The oswatcher files in /opt/oracle/oswatcher are .bz2 files and there will be one file per hour per day. Copy the mpstat .bz2 files into a directory and use bunzip2 to unzip them. In this example let us say that the directory name is /u01/oswatcher/mpstat/tmp

You can now run the script as shown below

python  /u01/oswatcher/mpstat/tmp
python  /u01/oswatcher/mpstat/tmp '06/14/2013 05:00:00 AM' '06/14/2013 07:00:00 AM'

The first command will graph the cpu usage for the entire time range in all those files and the second command graphs the cpu information for the date and time range you have specified.

It creates a file in the current directory, named oswmpstat.png, which has the graph.

You can find the full script here.

You can find a sample output graph here.

Ubuntu 12.10 start hangs after checking battery state

I have been running ubuntu 12.10, 64 bit for over a month now on my Lenovo T430. Intermittently as i startup, it would go through the startup process and get to a message “Checking Battery Sate” and then hang (It just looks like it is hanging, in fact what is happening is that, X seems to be crashing). When this happens i do not get a Desktop window and hence i could not  login.

There seems to be some bugs on launchpad (1061149,834592), which do not seem to be conclusive on the fix. Looks like an option is to login and then do a startx. Other solutions talk about using a lower version of lightdm. Not entirely sure what the fix is. Running startx is not working for me.

Here is what i have been doing.

Once i get the message “Checking battery state” and it hangs, i do <Ctrl><Alt><F2>, get a login screen. Login, then switch to root. Then

pkill X

This leads to x restarting  and gives me the login screen.

Update Dec 12 2012 : Today once this happened, and i did a pkill and got my GUI login screen, even though i was typing in my password, it just kept coming back to this Login screen (Would not login to my desktop). To fix this, i had to do <Cntrl><Alt><F1> get a login screen, login, mv .Xauthority .Xauthority-original, and then rebooted again. Once i got my login screen again i was able to log back in. So somewhere along the line, looks like, something corrupted my .Xauthority file.

Hope this will be helpful to someone.

Shell script to create a tar archive of oracle trace files.

Whenever you have an oracle database problem and Oracle support asks you to upload the related trace files, the best option is to use the oracle Incident Packaging service to create an archive file that has all the necessary info to be uploaded to oracle.

If you just want to upload all the .trc files generated in the diagnostics trace directory (including but not limited to pmon traces), you can use the following script to generate such an archive file.

The following script accepts

  • The directory name (The location of your trace files)
  • The backup destination directory (The directory where you want the archive to be created. Ensure you have enough space here)
  • The date of the trace files (DD-MON-YYYY)
  • The begin time (HH24MI)
  • The end time (HH24MI)

Then it finds all .trc files that falls in between those begin and end times for the date you specified, from the directory you specified and creates a tar.gz archive file in the destination directory you specified. It creates a directory named trcbakMonDD in your destination directory and places the file in that dir. You can download this file and upload it to oracle.

Usage Example :. / /u01/11gr2/diag/rdbms/rk01/rk01/trace /tmp ’11-Sep-2012′ 1315 1340

The abov ecommand will backup all .trc files, from the directory  /u01/11gr2/diag/rdbms/rk01/rk01/trace, that have a timestamp between 13:15 and 13:40 on 11th Sep 2012 to a tar Archive in the directory /tmp

I have only tested it on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5. (It is likely that the syntax for the Tar and date commands might be different on different platforms)

Find the script code below


#This script can be used to create a tar archive of trace files created in 
#The database diagnostics trace directory between a given time period
#Author : Rajeev Ramdas

if [ $# != 5 ]
   echo ./ tracefiledir backupdir DD-Mon-YYYY HH24MI HH24MI
   echo ./ /u01/Rk/Docs/11g/Scripts2 /tmp '09-Nov-2012' 0900 1332

l_backdir=trcbak`date --date=${3} +%b%d`
l_startdate=`date --date=${3} +%Y%m%d`
l_enddate=`date --date=${3} +%Y%m%d`

if [ ! -d ${1} ]
   echo Wrong Backup Dir
   exit 1

if [ ! -d ${2} ]
   echo Wrong Backup Dest
   exit 1

if [ -d ${l_backdest} ]
   echo Directory Exists
   mkdir ${l_backdest}

if [ -f ${l_backfile} ]
   rm ${l_backfile}

touch -t "$l_starttime" /tmp/tmpoldfile
touch -t "$l_endtime" /tmp/tmpnewfile

find $1 -type f -newer /tmp/tmpoldfile ! -newer /tmp/tmpnewfile -name '*.trc' |  xargs tar -czvf - | cat > ${l_backfile}

echo Your backup file is ${l_backfile}

Using Python 3

I have been writing some python scripts for awr analysis and trending. Since python 2.7 is no longer being enhanced, i have now switched to using python 3. Lot of python applications and frameworks still does not support python 3 (Notably the Django framework). Good news is that cx_oracle works with python 3.

The steps to install cx_oracle with python 3 are very similar to the steps that i had outlined in my previous post on installing cx_oracle with python 2.7.

The difference is that

– You have to first install python3 and python3-dev (On ubuntu, you can just use the ubuntu software center to do this)

– Then download the cx_oracle 5.1.1 source code only tar ball from

– login as root, untar the tar file, cd to the cx_Oracle-5.1.1 directory

– Then run /usr/bin/python3 install

That does it and now oracle connectivity is in place.

I’ve also been using the matplotlib library along with Python to plot graphs with the awr and oswatcher data files. matplotlib also works with python 3.

– You have to first install libpng, libpng-dev, libfreetype6, libfreetype6-dev (Use the ubuntu software center)

– Download the numpy source code tar ball.

– Extract the tar file, login as root, cd to the directory and run /usr/bin/python3 install

– Installing matplotlib Ref :

– Download the matplotlib source code tar file

– Login as root, cd to the directory

– /usr/bin/python3 build

– /usr/bin/python3 install

Now you should have matplotlib working with python3

Enjoy your python scripting

VirtualBox command line start, stop and clone

I find it convenient to install the oracle 11gr2 rdbms on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5, running as a virtual host using  VirtualBox  VM (That way i dont have to go through the pains of installing it on Ubuntu Linux, which is unsupported). I use this database on a daily basis for testing different oracle functionality.

I use the following virtualbox command line commands to start and stop the virtual machine. It is much faster that booting up the operating system and then starting oracle.

To stop the virtual machine(I have named the VM OEL7) , in its current state (With the oracle rdbms running)

$ VBoxManage  controlvm OEL7 savestate

To start it

$VBoxManage  startvm OEL7

It takes about 10 seconds to start it.

To make a clone of the Virtual Machine to a entirely new location. First shutdown the virtual machine and then

$VBoxManage clonevm OEL7 –options keepallmacs –name OEL7E –basefolder “/media/ExternalDrive/vimage2”

The –basefolder can be specified to be a new location on disk to create the new image.

What’s new in Oracle Linux oow2011 a summary

There were some significant new features of Oracle Linux, Announced during oracle openworld 2011. Some of them were in a single slide of a presentation done by Edward Screven, who is the chief corporate Architect at Oracle. Easy to have missed. So here are some of the details of the new features.

DTrace is now available for Oracle Linux 6

DTrace has been a favorite of Solaris users for ages. Now oracle brings the coolness and functionality of DTrace to Linux.  It provides very granular level information about cpu, memory, filesystem and network usage at each process level, in addition to system calls, arguments used etc. It is kind of sort of like strace on linux, but has very rich amount of details, with very little instrumentation overhead.

Wim Coekaerts , has written a detailed article on how to enable this functionality.

Kernel upgrades can now be done while the system is running (Ksplice available since beginning of Sep 2011)

This one was really not an openworld announcement (But was touched upon, in Edward Screven’s presentation) . It has been available since early september 2011. Oracle acquired a company named Ksplice in July 2011. Now Oracle Linux users can perform kernel updates without having to stop the system, or having to reboot the system.

Wim Coekaerts , has written a detailed article on this new functionality and the article has a link to a white paper on how to enable this functionality.

Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel version 2 now available with major new features

The Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel version 2 was released and brings with it lot of new features. Couple of the highlights are below

 Btrfs is now Production

Btrfs stands for Better file system and/or B-Tree file system. Although existing ext3 and ext4 file systems are great, it’s kind of old technology and lacks key enterprise features. Btrfs brings new features like ability to snapshot, online defragmentation, volume growth and shrinking, checksum’s of data and metadata etc.

 Linux Containers

Solaris has had zones and containers for a while that enables virtualization of physical Sun servers that run Solaris. Now oracle is bringing this functionality to Linux. The key difference between Linux Containers and Linux Virtual Machines (Like Oracle Virtual Machine) is that, Linux Containers can run instructions native to the core cpu without any interpretation mechanisms and hence provides good performance for the virtualized hosts.

There are also numerous enhancements to improve performance of oracle products on Oracle Linux, in this new release of the kernel.

Wim Coekaerts, has posted a good article on how to get started with using the Unbreakable kernel version 2.

 Simple example to enable linux containers .


Installing cx-oracle with on ubuntu

cx_Oracle is a Python extension module that allows access to Oracle databases and conforms to the Python database API specification. Below are the steps i used to setup cx_Oracle, with, python 2.6 on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx).

1) Installed Oracle Enterprise Edition on Ubuntu (You can also configure this by just installing the instant client too)

2) Download cx_Oracle Source code from

3) Install python-dev on ubuntu (Or else you will get compile errors (Like file Python.h not found) when you try to install cx-oracle)

– sudo apt-get install python-dev

4) Login as root

5) export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/11gr2/db_1;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

6) cd <dir-where-cx-oracle-untarred>/cx_Oracle-5.0.4

7) python install

Once it is installed you can run the sample program from to make sure it works. Grid infrastructure, private interconnect bonding new feature HAIP

I have been heads down on an Exadata Poc , and only now, got a chance to browse through the new features in The out of place upgrade feature looks interesting.

This new feature in grid infrastructure installation had me really overjoyed (Anyone who has had the pleasure of configuring IPMP, Auto Port Aggregation, Etherchannel etc (based on the o/s) and setting it up correctly to work with Rac, will understand my Joy) . Starting with you do not have to bond the interfaces (If you have redundant GigE nics you are going to use for your private interconnect) you are going to use as the private interconnect. If you have two different interface names to be used for the private interconnect you can provide both the interface names to the oracle grid infrastructure installer and oracle clusterware will create a Highly Available IP Address (HAIP).

Oracle Clusterware, Rac and ASM uses these  load balanced highly available interfaces for communication.

Details can be read at for Linux.

HAIP info can also be found in the 11R2 Clusterware white paper.

Julian Dyke has a blog post that says that MULTICAST has to be enabled for the Network interfaces to enable this to work.

Enabling multicast on the interconnect network is a requirement with Rac.My Oracle Support Notes 1228471.1,1212703.1 details how Multicast can be enabled and checked.

Date and Time Arithmetic in the bash shell

Here are some ways to add hours, days, months etc to a given date and get the result from the bash shell

To add seconds to a given date

rramads@rramads-us2:~$ date -d “2010-08-12 05:30:30 PM 15 seconds”
Thu Aug 12 17:30:45 EDT 2010

To add minutes to a given date in the bash shell you can

rramads@rramads-us2:~$ date -d “2010-08-12 05:30:30 PM 15 minutes”

Thu Aug 12 17:45:30 EDT 2010

To add  hours to a given date in the bash shell you can

rramads@rramads-us2:~$ date -d “2010-08-12 05:30:30 PM 15 hours”

Fri Aug 13 08:30:30 EDT 2010

To add days to a given date

rramads@rramads-us2:~$ date -d “2010-08-12 05:30:30 PM 15 days”

Fri Aug 27 17:30:30 EDT 2010

To add months to a given date

rramads@rramads-us2:~$ date -d “2010-08-12 05:30:30 PM 15 months”
Sat Nov 12 17:30:30 EST 2011

Howto Add a new virtual disk to a virtual box, virtual machine

Once i built a oracle enterprise linux virtual machine, using oracle virtual box (opensource destop virtualization software), i wanted to increase capacity by adding a new virtual disk to the configuration. My original configuration was built using only one virtual disk and this was mounted as the / file system. Now i want to add a new file system /u01 on a new virtual disk. Below are the steps i performed to accomplish this.

First create a new virtual disk using virtual box
Applications -> System Tools -> Oracle VM Virtual Box
File -> Virtual Media Manager
You will see the window below

Click on New to create a New disk. The New Disk creation wizard starts up.

Click on Next

Choose Dynamically expanding storage, Click Next

Choose the location and file name for the virtual box, vdi file. I chose the same directory, where my first vdi file was located (/u02/vimage/oel55). Also choose the size of the new disk you need. Click Next.

The Summary Screen displays summary information regarding the new disk you are configuring. click next

Now add the new virtual disk to your operating system image

Applications -> System Tools -> Oracle VM Virtual Box

Click on the image that you want to add the virtual disk to.

On the right hand side click on Storage

Choose the SATA controller and click on the + button to add a new disk

You can edit the new disk it creates by click on the disk Name and editing the disks properties on the right most window. (Use the properties to pick the new disk you created in the previous step, and give it a new name).

Now once you boot up your image you will see a new disk at your operating system level. In my case the original disk i had was /dev/sda. The new disk i added showed up as /dev/sdb. I partitioned the disk, formatted it, mounted it and added an entry to /etc/fstab so that every time i startup the image this file system will be mounted.

fdisk /dev/sdb

mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1

mkdir /u01

Add the following entry into /etc/fstab

/dev/sdb1 /u01 ext3 defaults 0 2

Then run the command “mount” from the prompt and /u01 will be mounted.