Upgrading Enterprise Manager to

Finally today, i upgraded my grid control installation to (From Instructions for installing can be found in my previous blog post, Installing Grid Control

Amazing but true, the process was fairly straight forward. I mostly followed the instructions in the Readme and its close, more detailed cousin, Metalink Note 464674.1. So without further ado, below are the steps that i followed.

Download the grid control patch

Unzip gc_10205_part2of2.zip (Because the file  p3731593_10205_LINUX.zip you need is in that)

Take a good backup of  the oms, agent and oracle database.

All of the following actions were performed on the management server.

Analyze the SYSMAN schema

Login to the SYSMAN schema in the management repository

SQL> exec emd_maintenance.analyze_emd_schema(‘SYSMAN’)

Check for Invalid Objects

Login to the SYSMAN schema in the management repository

SQL> select object_name, object_type from all_objects where owner=’SYSMAN’ and status <> ‘VALID’;

Login to the SYS schema in the management repository

SQL> select object_name, object_type from all_objects where status<>’VALID’ and object_name like ‘DBMS%’;

Stop jobs running in Enterprise Manager

Login to the SYSMAN schema in the management repository

SQL> execute emd_maintenance.remove_em_dbms_jobs;

Setup Database Initialization Parameters

Login to the SYS schema in the management repository

alter system set sga_max_size=1024M scope=spfile
alter system set sga_target=1024M scope=spfile;
alter system set job_queue_processes=0 scope=spfile;
alter system set shared_pool_size=512M scope=spfile;

Shutdown and restart the database.

Ensure that the database listener is up and running.

I had left the iasconsole (emctl start iasconsole) and oracle management server running (opmnctl startall)

Make sure that the following files under the Oracle home of OMS have write permissions before staring the Upgrade process.
<ORACLE_HOME>/j2ee/OC4J_EM/applications/em/em/online_help/paf_cs/paf_cs_he lp.jar

If you do not remember the password for your iasconsole (It is supposed to be the same as the password you specified for SYSMAN during the original install), this will be a good time to follow metalink note 396344.1 and change this password (Because the patch installer will prompt you for this password, and will not proceed unless you provide the correct password).

Apply patch to the OMS

cd to your software staging directory

cd /u01/oem
unzip gc_10205_part2of2.zip
unzip p3731593_10205_LINUX.zip
cd 3731593

When it prompts you,  run root.sh from the oms home.

Apply patch to the Agent

cd /u01/oem/3731593

Completing the Upgrade

Login as the schema SYS to the management repository

alter system set sga_max_size=500M scope=spfile;
alter system set sga_target=500M scope=spfile;
alter system set job_queue_processes=10 scope=spfile;
alter system set shared_pool_size=0 scope=spfile;

Restart the jobs scheduled in Enterprise Manager

Login as the schema SYSMAN to the management repository

SQL> EXEC emd_maintenance.submit_em_dbms_jobs;

Stop and restart the agent, management server and management repository database.

Login to enterprise manager and enjoy using

ORA-00845 Memory_Target Not supported on this system

I was working on testing some 11g streams configurations today. I needed to startup 3 databases instances on the same server. I was using AMM (Automatic memory management). When i was trying to startup the 3rd database, i kept getting the error message “ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system”. I also had error messages in the alert log.

This is because, the space allocated for /dev/shm is not sufficient to allocate the SGA+PGA’s for all the 3 database instances (When using the initialization parameter memory_target). The space allocated needs to be >= the total SGA+PGA size of all the 3 instances together.

You can increase the space allocated using the command  “mount -t tmpfs shmfs -o size=2000m /dev/shm” ( I had 3 instances 600mb each SGA+PGA). You can persist this allocation across reboots by adding it to the /etc/fstab.

Xsane and Ghostscript

Today, i ended up having to scan some receipts in, to send my expense reports. I had never tried using printer-scanners with ubuntu ever. But i was pleasantly surprised, by how well, Xsane the linux program for acquiring images with scanners, worked. It worked seamlessly with my HP-Photosmart-C4400 series printer-scanner (Dint have to install any drivers or anything of that sort). You can choose between saving the image as a jpeg or a pdf file.

Once I scanned the images, i ended up with two distinct pdf documents (1 page each), which i had to then combine before i submitted my expense report. I used  ghostscript, with the following switches, to combine these two files  into a single file.

gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=merged.pdf Tempout-0001.pdf Tempout-0003.pdf

Tempout-0001.pdf and Tempout-0003.pdf are the files I am merging into merged.pdf.

Simple Rails Program

Thought building applications  using Microsoft Access was easy ? try building one in Rails, it is Easy…

Install and configure ruby and rails as described in my earlier post.

First create a directory to hold your Rails code. Let us say /u01/ror

cd /u01/ror

Issue the following command to create the necessary rails directory structure

rails test

cd to the config directory

cd test/config

Edit the database Connection properties file

vi database.yml

Modify the details for the development environment as follows (You can remove test and production). Make sure you use oracle_enhanced as the adapter, and not just oracle.

adapter: oracle_enhanced
database: RK01
username: scott
password: tige

cd /u01/ror

Create the Model/View and Controller

script/generate scaffold Customer name:string contact:string phone:string email:string

Create the table named Customers in the Oracle database

rake db:migrate

Start the web server

ruby script/server

Then you can access the application you just created by going to your browser and putting in the URL http://localhost:3000/customers.

This application can now view/add/modify/delete customer information

“That was easy”

Simply Rails 2” by patrick lenz is a great book for Rails beginners and includes Rails 2 information.

Finding the Difference in Table Stats

In my previous post I have explained how to capture different statistics from the same table into temporary stattab’s for further analysis (Or to provide to support). In and 11g, dbms_stats has some procedures that can help you get a report on the difference between the two sets of statistics.

DBMS_STATS.DIFF_TABLE_STATS_IN_STATTAB is one such procedure. Continuing from my last example where we created two separate stats tables stattab_old and stattab_new, you can now check the difference  between the two sets of stats by running the following sql statement

set long 500000 longchunksize 500000

select report, maxdiffpct from

You will see an output similar to the one below (The stats are not really what you will see on a dept table, but you get the general idea)



TABLE	      : DEPT
SOURCE A      : User statistics table STATTAB_OLD
	      : Statid	   :
	      : Owner	   : SCOTT
SOURCE B      : User statistics table STATTAB_NEW
	      : Statid	   :
	      : Owner	   : SCOTT




DEPTNO		A   1	    .000000203 YES  0	    3	 C105  C105  9363
		B   9	    .000000341 YES  0	    3	 C102  C10A  1465265
DNAME		A   21	    .000000203 YES  0	    6	 C4032 C4032 9363
		B   315     .003967048 YES  0	    6	 C4032 C4032 1465265
LOC		A   25110   .000039824 NO   0	    5	 C2061 C32D1 47114
		B   161368  .000006197 NO   0	    5	 C114  C33C3 1465265


NDV – Number of distinct values

Density – 1/NDV

Query Execution Plan Changing due to New Statistics

You might encounter scenarios where your queries execution plan changed. Eg : On Monday your query was running in less than a minute and on Wednesday your query started running for an hour (The query was exactly the same, query criteria (Including bind variables) were the same and the table data has not changed too much). One of the reasons for the query performing badly now, could be that the execution plan has changed.

One of the reasons that the execution plan has changed, could be that the statistics on the table has changed (Between monday and wednesday, gather stats could have run on the table). Wont it be nice if you were able to restore the old stats on the table, which was helping the query run faster ?

There might be a way in Oracle 10g and Higher.

Whenever oracle collects stats on a table using gather_table_stats, oracle stores away the existing stats on the table before updating the table with the newly collected stats. So there is also a mechanism to restore this stats that oracle backed up.

We can use the following steps to restore this stats (Which was good)

  • Let us say that SCOTT.DEPT is the table in question
  • First of all, find out, when the table stats were modified
    select stats_update_time from user_tab_stats_history where table_name = ‘DEPT’;
  • Create a stats table in the schema of the table owner (This will serve as the temporary holder of the current statistics, if you ever have to restore this)
    exec dbms_stats.create_stat_table ( –
    ‘SCOTT’, –
  • Export the existing table statistics to this temporary table (stattab_new)
    exec dbms_stats.export_table_stats ( –
    ‘SCOTT’, –
    ‘DEPT’, –
    null, –
    ‘stattab_new’, –
    null, –
    true, –
  • Restore the old stats, which used to give you a better execution plan
    exec dbms_stats.restore_table_stats ( –
    ‘SCOTT’, –
    ‘DEPT’, –
    ’21-JAN-09 AM -05:00′);

The third argument you give is the time upto which you want to restore the stats. Once you query the table user_tab_stats_history, determine a time when the stats would have been the good statistics (So pick a time in between the analyze which had the good stats and the analyze that had the bad stats). Use that time as the third argument.

Now if you get the query to reparse it should pick up the updated good statistics, use the good execution plan and execute with good performance.

Note : Try and perfect this technique on test databases before running this on production.

Notes on Oracle Parallel Query – Part I

For a good primer on parallel query in oracle please read the white paper, Oracle Sql Parallel Execution

  • The degree of parallelism for a query can be specified
    • By specifying the parallel clause during table/index creation (Or later using alter)
    • Using a parallel hint in the sql statement
    • Using ‘alter session force parallel query parallel integer’ statement
  • If One of the options in the above statement has not been specified (To enable parallelism) then, irrespective of whether the table or index is partitioned or not, oracle does not use parallelism in the query
  • When using The dedicated server connection model (As opposed to the shared server model), the sessions shadow process acts as the query co-ordinator.
  • The query uses as many “parallel execution servers” as determined by the query optimizer, to execute the query (This is based on a varitey of factors)
  • When there is No parallel degree specified at the table level, in the query hint or at the session level, but parallelism is enabled at the session level (using alter session  force parallel query) then the optimizer uses the default degree of parallelism.
  • The Default Degree of Parellism (DOP) is determined by cpu_count x parallel_threads_per_cpu
  • If you specified parallelism by issueing ‘alter session force parallel query parallel integer’ statement, then the value used for integer is used for the degree of parallelism (If a parallel hint is not specified in the query).
  • All of the above statements assume that there are enough query servers available in the pool and parallel_adaptive_multi_user does not reduce the number of parallel execution servers.
  • If interoperation parallelism can be used then you could end up using double the number of parallel execution servers as the degree of parallelism
  • If for some reason your query cannot be allocated enough parallel execution servers (typically when there are multiple sessions and all the parallel execution servers (gated by parallel_max_servers) are currently in use) and parallel_min_percent > 0 (0 is the default so your query will still get run without parallelism), your query will get an error and you can try again later.

Ok enough basics.

Once a query is running, How do you determine what it is doing ? Things like, is it using parallel query ? What is the degree of parallelism it is using ?

As the query you want to diagnose is still executing, you can run the following query from another session connected with DBA privileges.

SELECT qcsid,
NVL(server_group,0) server_group,
ORDER BY qcsid,

You will get  an output similar to the table below

--------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
170	  170		 0
170	  136		 1	    1	       5	  5
170	  129		 1	    1	       5	  5
170	  134		 1	    1	       5	  5
170	  130		 1	    1	       5	  5
170	  138		 1	    1	       5	  5
170	  137		 1	    2	       5	  5
170	  133		 1	    2	       5	  5
170	  135		 1	    2	       5	  5
170	  139		 1	    2	       5	  5
170	  131		 1	    2	       5	  5

How do you check how many parallel execution servers are currently in use by running ?

statistic like ‘Servers Busy%’;

You will get an output similar to the table below

------------------------------ ----------
Servers Busy			       10

How do you check, which parallel execution servers are in use, by which session ?

select * from v$px_process;

You will see a result similar to the table below

---- --------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ----------
P000 IN USE	       27 9555		      129	  47
P001 IN USE	       29 9557		      131	  14
P003 IN USE	       31 9561		      132	 119
P009 IN USE	       37 9573		      133	  13
P008 IN USE	       36 9571		      134	  10
P004 IN USE	       32 9563		      135	   7
P007 IN USE	       35 9569		      136	   9
P002 IN USE	       30 9559		      137	  10
P005 IN USE	       33 9565		      138	   9
P006 IN USE	       34 9567		      139	   6

How can you monitor the progress of the query ?

SELECT   a.qcsid,
substr(b.name,1,20) operation,
FROM     v$px_sesstat a,
v$statname b
WHERE    a.statistic# = b.statistic#
ORDER BY a.qcsid,

You will see results similar to the Table below

---------- ---- ------------ ---------- -------------------- ----------
       170  139 	   1	      1 physical reads		      0
       170  130 	   1	      1 physical reads		      0
       170  134 	   1	      1 physical reads		      0
       170  135 	   1	      1 physical reads		      0
       170  129 	   1	      1 physical reads		      0
       170  131 	   1	      2 physical reads		   6980
       170  136 	   1	      2 physical reads		   7136
       170  137 	   1	      2 physical reads		   6404
       170  133 	   1	      2 physical reads		   6436
       170  138 	   1	      2 physical reads		   5988
       170  170 			physical reads		 766852

How do you check, what the parallel execution servers, are waiting on ?

SELECT px.SID “SID”, p.PID, p.SPID “SPID”, px.INST_ID “Inst”,
px.SERVER_GROUP “Group”, px.SERVER_SET “Set”,
px.DEGREE “Degree”, px.REQ_DEGREE “Req Degree”, w.event “Wait Event”
WHERE s.sid (+) = px.sid AND s.inst_id (+) = px.inst_id AND
s.sid = w.sid (+) AND s.inst_id = w.inst_id (+) AND
s.paddr = p.addr (+) AND s.inst_id = p.inst_id (+)

You will see results like in the table below

 SID  PID SPID	 Inst Group	   Set Degree Req Degree Wait Event
---- ---- ------ ---- ----- ---------- ------ ---------- ------------------------------
 170   24 9473	    1					 PX Deq: Execute Reply
 131   27 10236     1	  1	     1	    5	       5 PX Deq: Execution Msg
 132   29 10238     1	  1	     1	    5	       5 PX Deq: Execution Msg
 129   20 10234     1	  1	     1	    5	       5 PX Deq: Execution Msg
 134   31 10242     1	  1	     1	    5	       5 PX Deq: Execution Msg
 139   30 10240     1	  1	     1	    5	       5 PX Deq: Execution Msg
 135   36 10252     1	  1	     2	    5	       5 resmgr:cpu quantum
 136   34 10248     1	  1	     2	    5	       5 resmgr:cpu quantum
 137   35 10250     1	  1	     2	    5	       5 direct path read
 130   33 10246     1	  1	     2	    5	       5 resmgr:cpu quantum
 133   32 10244     1	  1	     2	    5	       5 direct path read

If you start seeing a lot of waits on the event “PX Deq Credit: send blkd”, you can start troubleshooting this by identifying the consumers who are blocking the send (Once you identify them you can probably drill down into that session using ash reports). Metalink Note 304317.1 has a query that can be used to identify the blocking consumers.

Once a statement has finished execution, how do you check if it used parallel query, and how was the statement parellelized ?

Issue the following statement from the same session that the query executed

break on tq_id on server_type
SELECT dfo_number, tq_id, server_type, process, num_rows, bytes
FROM v$pq_tqstat
ORDER BY dfo_number DESC, tq_id, server_type DESC , process;

You will see results similar to the table below

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
	 1	    0 Producer	 P005		   287	     2582
	 1			 P006		   287	     2582
	 1			 P007		   287	     2582
	 1			 P008		   287	     2582
	 1			 P009		   287	     2582
	 1	      Consumer	 P000		   315	     2825
	 1			 P001		   340	     3035
	 1			 P002		   270	     2450
	 1			 P003		   250	     2280
	 1			 P004		   260	     2320
	 1	    1 Producer	 P000		     1	       32
	 1			 P001		     1	       32
	 1			 P002		     1	       32
	 1			 P003		     1	       32
	 1			 P004		     1	       32
	 1	      Consumer	 QC		     5	      160

How do you review all the parallel activity happening in your environment ?

select name,value from v$sysstat
where upper(name) like ‘%PARALLEL OPERATIONS%’
or upper(name) like ‘%PARALLELIZED%’ or upper(name) like ‘%PX%’;

You will see results similar to the table below

NAME								      VALUE
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
queries parallelized							 10
DML statements parallelized						  0
DDL statements parallelized						  0
DFO trees parallelized							 10
Parallel operations not downgraded					 10
Parallel operations downgraded to serial				  0
Parallel operations downgraded 75 to 99 pct				  0
Parallel operations downgraded 50 to 75 pct				  0
Parallel operations downgraded 25 to 50 pct				  0
Parallel operations downgraded 1 to 25 pct				  0
PX local messages sent						       2350
PX local messages recv'd					       2350
PX remote messages sent 						  0
PX remote messages recv'd						  0

This should be a good starting point to start analyzing parallel query behaviour

Controlling Parallel query in 11g Rac

            In a Rac environment, when you execute a parallel query, it is very likely that the parallel execution servers, get executed on all nodes in a Rac cluster. In releases prior to Oracle 11g, if you wanted to ensure that all the parallel execution servers for a single query get executed on the same node (or a group of nodes) you had to set the initialization parameter parallel_instance_groups

           Starting with Oracle 11g, you can just create services which are only active on certain nodes in the Rac cluster . So when you login to the database using such a service name, your parallel query will only spawn parallel execution servers on the nodes where the service is active. Oracle automatically adjusts the values for parallel_instance_groups (Without you having to explicitly set it) based on your service name you used to connect. Simplifies our life.

11g copy files from asm to cooked file system

If you were using 10g ASM, you had to use the dbms_file_transfer package to copy files from an asm disk group to a cooked file system and vica versa. 11g ASM makes this process simpler. In 11g, the asmcmd command now has a cp command that can copy ASM files to a cooked file system and files from a cooked file system back to ASM.

You can find the details and syntax for this cp comand  here.

Large SGA’s and ORA-2710 on Linux X86_64

Sometimes when you try to enable large SGA’s on X86_64 linux you might run into ora-2710 errors when starting up the database. This could be because of low value being set for the linux kernel parameter shmall.

You should set the value for shmall as follows.

– Total up the sizes for SGA’s for all the databases you are going to run on the machine
– run the linux command getconf PAGE_SIZE to get your linux page size
– Set shmall equal to the sum of all the SGA’s on the system, divided by the page size

Review metalink note 301830.1 for more info.